Saturday, July 23, 2011

you ever seen Company 9?

that's what it felt like.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Thursday, July 21, 2011


all the stars in the universe are just one persons wishes, hopes, or dreams, and they all correspond to one person, one person whos thoughts and dreams we go after.

only one person created the universe, and everyone else created a small star, a small shimmer of hope for themselves. God created the sun, that's why its so big, and when the Second Coming of Christ comes, we will get two suns, one will some day die out, but the other is there to live on, with a binary sun, the moon will be illuminated at all times, causing it's surface to burn up, and for it to create a small atmosphere for itself, and then the moon will burst into two halves exposing an empty shell.

pay attention to the comet.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Here is my Message to the Colbert Nation.

the more you praise the Anti-Christ, Stephen Colbert, for its worst comedy, of hell, ill show you.

things that are ending, or has ended, newspapers, al-qaeda, harry potter, America, happiness, communications, life, the world is going to be covered up in water, and all the saved people will be evolved into dolphins, they will rebuild all of the worlds wonders underwater, and we will carmaggedon? keep making fun of it. see what happens.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

im giving you freedom and peace in egypt, so that the memorial to the releasing of the souls of the phraroahs of the big three pyramids in egypt

my letter to the soul of the perfect apostle, the salvior of my soul, and to the Men of Earth, do Remember that you are an amphibian, and that someday soon, you will return to the sea, and imagine the depths of exponential knowledge, and that no matter which number one might be forced to choose, singularity was the end of the world. and the perfect beginning of a new one. that any outside force on ones meditative state is a tragedy, and a crime against God and the perfect being. the perfect being is left to the human to decide. and that's why everything thomas edison ever made was an invention of evil. and that apollo 13 was the fourth pale horse, behold a white horse,

I am the third eye.

The Oracle of Bacon.

The Six Degrees of Seperation.

Monday, July 11, 2011

if there was a religious war

tomorrow, they would do nothing about it. and the atheists would win based on popularity.