Thursday, May 26, 2011

I know i said 7 days...

But i've been working on this all day.


Remember, the things people have taught us in the past. For example, the branch davidians have taught us that any thought of or belief in God will be subject to scrutiny, and it will scare the elements of the NWO that wish to stop all thoughts of God. Agencies like the ATF, the FBI, are all imposers of imperial rule on its people. I foresee myself having to battle with them as well.

The Spanish Inquisition comes to mind.

And what would be the position of the church in all of this? DISbelief. any thoughts outside of the teachings of the church will be met with such disbelief that anyone, even Jesus himself claiming to be a man close to God would be quickly dealt with by the forces of evil that reside in both church and government.

In our world there are two entities, The Management, and The Ownership.

Government is the Management, and Religion is the Ownership.

When they begin to unite and the line of separation of church and state becomes blurred, Satan is allowed to enter.

I do admit, I fear a branch-davidian end to my future, so for that reason I will allow God to speak for himself and confirm my validity. I will not be posting for 7 days. I will give him a chance to show you the truth. In 7 days, thats by next thursday, something will happen to convince us all that I am telling the truth. I wish all believers will open their eyes to the truth, and I hope that these 7 days will be found to be a period of revelation.

Good Luck. Godspeed.

So here is how I am putting it all together.

I feel the need to organize myself, my thoughts, my goals, and maybe people would be able to understand me more. I think it should be said that i have nothing to hide, i have nothing to gain from all of this besides God's respect and acceptance. That's all we all could expect from Him. The future is still unwritten, and we need to do what we can to stop this dystopian future from becoming a reality.

Humanity cannot replace God. Those who try to will be subject to his wrath.

I foresee those of us who follow God and not the Church, those of us who believe in God's wisdom and not in the twisted stories that religious texts make us follow, fighting against the people who try to deny his existence, fighting against those that wish to enslave the free will having God loving people of Earth.

I understand that when my 'vision' becomes truth, people will begin asking questions, and my security will be threatened, and while some people may have good intentions, the fact is that people will try and exploit my information for dishonorable purposes.

Some of the training I've been through includes operational security, or how to shut the fuck up classes.

Basically, our enemies will listen, and try to connect the dots and figure out our next move, or some form of intelligence about us. But, counterintelligence is a deception tactic, and it's also the monitoring of your enemy and gleaming information from all of that. In case of war, the battle lines will be hazy, and most of us might be confused as to what side to back.

I cannot give people guidance. They have to find it themselves. I should compile a list of things I find suspect.

1. Georgia Guidestones
 A. Ted Turner and CNN for their support of such a 'Guidestone'
2. China
 A. The Army, the generals, and their intelligence agency
3. Apple
 A. Steve Jobs and his charismatic personality
4. Atheism
 A. The ease of belief that they enjoy, it's hard to believe in a God, easy to not believe
5. New World Order/New Secular Order
 A. Any attempt to control, enslave, or make government and religion a single authoritative entity.
6. People who don't believe me
 A. While it is hard to believe me, those that do have a small bit of God's light shining in them, figuratively. And those who don't believe will eventually have to choose a side. So they cannot be trusted until they do.
7. Figures of authority
 A. Perhaps people like police officers, and other service related figures of authority dont know the evil about to be perpetrated in their name, but all leaders have to have some role in a dystopian future. Check out the story of the emperor in star wars, everything from his time as a senator of naboo, to when he dissolved the senate and created the 'first galactic empire'
8. Heads of State
 A. Heads of state will relinquish power to the NWO, and they will be painted as heroes and patriots, when in all actuality they will have been bought out.
9. North Korea
 A. This country might be a catalyst, and also a patsy, either way, they are not to be trusted at all.
10. Patriot Act and similar legislation
 A. the erosion of individual rights and freedoms in the 'free'est country in the world should be a major concern for EVERYONE. This is where the Fox news thought, and support of the republican party might be key. I still have yet to figure out if Fox news is for us or against us, but only time and research can bring the truth
11. Nanotechnology
 A. This type of small microscopic technology 'can and will be used against us' (heard that before?) and there is no way to know if you've been injected with it, and no way to know what anyones intentions will be when they have total control of our bodies.
12. Religious zealots
 A. Zealotry is not the way of God. Period. Religious zealotry begins with a simple belief, and it snowballs into a life of hopeless devotion to religion. Do not become any kind of religious zealot. God does not recognize the zealots.

Remember, TV is a distraction, the media wont report things, popular culture is the set of keys dangled in front of a babies face, Satan is behind the NWO, and secret organizations will soon realize all that they have worked for is about to come to fruition. remember, EVERY secret organization.

We are the Rebels. They are the Empire.

Most of the story is the same, but the only difference is that instead of the Jedi and the Sith, it's God and Satan.

We all need to start surviving. This message that I put out should be the catalyst for all of us to set aside our differences, arm ourselves, train, survive, fight, resist.

If the NWO is Satan's calling of the masses, then I am the message of God to unite and begin fighting.

A word from God:

God is blind to the difference between homosexuality and heterosexuality. That is His free will at work. God urges you to seek ultimate happiness. If medications, drugs and other chemicals are the path to happiness, then only Satanic forces would regulate and take away such keys to happiness. God is the only advocate of freedom, peace, and love. God would never set rules before you to live by, religion would though. God wont judge us, he will judge those of us that try and ultimately control the globe.

Has anyone seen A Clockwork Orange? The ludovico treatment? that's what they will do to us, if we break the laws, but the laws will be so strict that we will all be guilty of a crime. the ludovico treatment will involve technology and programming written by apple, novus biologicals, and nanotechnology, and ultimately, after the treatment, any disobedience and the device implanted in you will explode. I've found the link to the RFID discovery in our money.

I wish you all realize what is going on. I hope my message reaches all of you in time...

more later...

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Theres something there...

Not too far from me...the Georgia Guidestones. Another Date investigation??

October 1


March 22

What significance does this have to the NWO.

The Guidestones are for the NWO.

Ted Turner is thought to have financed the stones...

The Stones are thought of as being for 'sun worshippers'

CNN is owned by Turner.

Wolf Blitzer was born on 22 March.

I'll try and figure it out...

More Later...

Follow the dates...

June 12th, Visioneers is released, and a number of other historical anomalies occured.

October 21st is Apple Day, Overseas Chinese Day, and the 'new date' of 'Rapture' according to mr. Camping

So, numerically the number 6121021 comes up. I get the feeling that 12/21/2012 or 12/21/12 might be codes for something else.

So I typed in 6121021 first as a phone number, and I didnt get anything.

so then i tried it as 6/12-10/21 and came up with this:

Wisdom of Solomon 6:12-10:21

6:12: Wisdom is radiant and unfading, and she is easily discerned by those who love her, and is found by those who seek her.
13: She hastens to make herself known to those who desire her.
14: He who rises early to seek her will have no difficulty, for he will find her sitting at his gates.
15: To fix one's thought on her is perfect understanding, and he who is vigilant on her account will soon be free from care,
16: because she goes about seeking those worthy of her, and she graciously appears to them in their paths, and meets them in every thought.
17: The beginning of wisdom is the most sincere desire for instruction, and concern for instruction is love of her,
18: and love of her is the keeping of her laws, and giving heed to her laws is assurance of immortality,
19: and immortality brings one near to God;
20: so the desire for wisdom leads to a kingdom.
21: Therefore if you delight in thrones and scepters, O monarchs over the peoples, honor wisdom, that you may reign for ever.
22: I will tell you what wisdom is and how she came to be, and I will hide no secrets from you, but I will trace her course from the beginning of creation, and make knowledge of her clear, and I will not pass by the truth;
23: neither will I travel in the company of sickly envy, for envy does not associate with wisdom.
24: A multitude of wise men is the salvation of the world, and a sensible king is the stability of his people.
25: Therefore be instructed by my words, and you will profit.

7:1: I also am mortal, like all men, a descendant of the first-formed child of earth; and in the womb of a mother I was molded into flesh,
2: within the period of ten months, compacted with blood, from the seed of a man and the pleasure of marriage.
3: And when I was born, I began to breathe the common air, and fell upon the kindred earth, and my first sound was a cry, like that of all.
4: I was nursed with care in swaddling cloths.
5: For no king has had a different beginning of existence;
6: there is for all mankind one entrance into life, and a common departure.
7: Therefore I prayed, and understanding was given me; I called upon God, and the spirit of wisdom came to me.
8: I preferred her to scepters and thrones, and I accounted wealth as nothing in comparison with her.
9: Neither did I liken to her any priceless gem, because all gold is but a little sand in her sight, and silver will be accounted as clay before her.
10: I loved her more than health and beauty, and I chose to have her rather than light, because her radiance never ceases.
11: All good things came to me along with her, and in her hands uncounted wealth.
12: I rejoiced in them all, because wisdom leads them; but I did not know that she was their mother.
13: I learned without guile and I impart without grudging; I do not hide her wealth,
14: for it is an unfailing treasure for men; those who get it obtain friendship with God, commended for the gifts that come from instruction.
15: May God grant that I speak with judgment and have thought worthy of what I have received, for he is the guide even of wisdom and the corrector of the wise.
16: For both we and our words are in his hand, as are all understanding and skill in crafts.
17: For it is he who gave me unerring knowledge of what exists, to know the structure of the world and the activity of the elements;
18: the beginning and end and middle of times, the alternations of the solstices and the changes of the seasons,
19: the cycles of the year and the constellations of the stars,
20: the natures of animals and the tempers of wild beasts, the powers of spirits and the reasonings of men, the varieties of plants and the virtues of roots;
21: I learned both what is secret and what is manifest,
22: for wisdom, the fashioner of all things, taught me. For in her there is a spirit that is intelligent, holy, unique, manifold, subtle, mobile, clear, unpolluted, distinct, invulnerable, loving the good, keen, irresistible,
23: beneficent, humane, steadfast, sure, free from anxiety, all-powerful, overseeing all, and penetrating through all spirits that are intelligent and pure and most subtle.
24: For wisdom is more mobile than any motion; because of her pureness she pervades and penetrates all things.
25: For she is a breath of the power of God, and a pure emanation of the glory of the Almighty; therefore nothing defiled gains entrance into her.
26: For she is a reflection of eternal light, a spotless mirror of the working of God, and an image of his goodness.
27: Though she is but one, she can do all things, and while remaining in herself, she renews all things; in every generation she passes into holy souls and makes them friends of God, and prophets;
28: for God loves nothing so much as the man who lives with wisdom.
29: For she is more beautiful than the sun, and excels every constellation of the stars. Compared with the light she is found to be superior,
30: for it is succeeded by the night, but against wisdom evil does not prevail.

8:1: She reaches mightily from one end of the earth to the other, and she orders all things well.
2: I loved her and sought her from my youth, and I desired to take her for my bride, and I became enamored of her beauty.
3: She glorifies her noble birth by living with God, and the Lord of all loves her.
4: For she is an initiate in the knowledge of God, and an associate in his works.
5: If riches are a desirable possession in life, what is richer than wisdom who effects all things?
6: And if understanding is effective, who more than she is fashioner of what exists?
7: And if any one loves righteousness, her labors are virtues; for she teaches self-control and prudence, justice and courage; nothing in life is more profitable for men than these.
8: And if any one longs for wide experience, she knows the things of old, and infers the things to come; she understands turns of speech and the solutions of riddles; she has foreknowledge of signs and wonders and of the outcome of seasons and times.
9: Therefore I determined to take her to live with me, knowing that she would give me good counsel and encouragement in cares and grief.
10: Because of her I shall have glory among the multitudes and honor in the presence of the elders, though I am young.
11: I shall be found keen in judgment, and in the sight of rulers I shall be admired.
12: When I am silent they will wait for me, and when I speak they will give heed; and when I speak at greater length they will put their hands on their mouths.
13: Because of her I shall have immortality, and leave an everlasting remembrance to those who come after me.
14: I shall govern peoples, and nations will be subject to me;
15: dread monarchs will be afraid of me when they hear of me; among the people I shall show myself capable, and courageous in war.
16: When I enter my house, I shall find rest with her, for companionship with her has no bitterness, and life with her has no pain, but gladness and joy.
17: When I considered these things inwardly, and thought upon them in my mind, that in kinship with wisdom there is immortality,
18: and in friendship with her, pure delight, and in the labors of her hands, unfailing wealth, and in the experience of her company, understanding, and renown in sharing her words, I went about seeking how to get her for myself.
19: As a child I was by nature well endowed, and a good soul fell to my lot;
20: or rather, being good, I entered an undefiled body.
21: But I perceived that I would not possess wisdom unless God gave her to me — and it was a mark of insight to know whose gift she was — so I appealed to the Lord and besought him, and with my whole heart I said:

9:1: "O God of my fathers and Lord of mercy, who has made all things by your word,
2: and by your wisdom have formed man, to have dominion over the creatures you have made,
3: and rule the world in holiness and righteousness, and pronounce judgment in uprightness of soul,
4: give me the wisdom that sits by your throne, and do not reject me from among your servants.
5: For I am your slave and the son of your maidservant, a man who is weak and short-lived, with little understanding of judgment and laws;
6: for even if one is perfect among the sons of men, yet without the wisdom that comes from you he will be regarded as nothing.
7: You have chosen me to be king of your people and to be judge over your sons and daughters.
8: You have given command to build a temple on your holy mountain, and an altar in the city of your habitation, a copy of the holy tent which you did prepare from the beginning.
9: With you is wisdom, who knows your works and was present when you made the world, and who understand what is pleasing in your sight and what is right according to your commandments.
10: Send her forth from the holy heavens, and from the throne of your glory send her, that she may be with me and toil, and that I may learn what is pleasing to you.
11: For she knows and understands all things, and she will guide me wisely in my actions and guard me with her glory.
12: Then my works will be acceptable, and I shall judge your people justly, and shall be worthy of the throne of my father.
13: For what man can learn the counsel of God? Or who can discern what the Lord wills?
14: For the reasoning of mortals is worthless, and our designs are likely to fail,
15: for a perishable body weighs down the soul, and this earthy tent burdens the thoughtful mind.
16: We can hardly guess at what is on earth, and what is at hand we find with labor; but who has traced out what is in the heavens?
17: Who has learned your counsel, unless you have given wisdom and sent your holy Spirit from on high?
18: And thus the paths of those on earth were set right, and men were taught what pleases you, and were saved by wisdom."

10:1: Wisdom protected the first-formed father of the world, when he alone had been created; she delivered him from his transgression,
2: and gave him strength to rule all things.
3: But when an unrighteous man departed from her in his anger, he perished because in rage he slew his brother.
4: When the earth was flooded because of him, wisdom again saved it, steering the righteous man by a paltry piece of wood.
5: Wisdom also, when the nations in wicked agreement had been confounded, recognized the righteous man and preserved him blameless before God, and kept him strong in the face of his compassion for his child.
6: Wisdom rescued a righteous man when the ungodly were perishing; he escaped the fire that descended on the Five Cities.
7: Evidence of their wickedness still remains: a continually smoking wasteland, plants bearing fruit that does not ripen, and a pillar of salt standing as a monument to an unbelieving soul.
8: For because they passed wisdom by, they not only were hindered from recognizing the good, but also left for mankind a reminder of their folly, so that their failures could never go unnoticed.
9: Wisdom rescued from troubles those who served her.
10: When a righteous man fled from his brother's wrath, she guided him on straight paths; she showed him the kingdom of God, and gave him knowledge of angels; she prospered him in his labors, and increased the fruit of his toil.
11: When his oppressors were covetous, she stood by him and made him rich.
12: She protected him from his enemies, and kept him safe from those who lay in wait for him; in his arduous contest she gave him the victory, so that he might learn that godliness is more powerful than anything.
13: When a righteous man was sold, wisdom did not desert him, but delivered him from sin. She descended with him into the dungeon,
14: and when he was in prison she did not leave him, until she brought him the scepter of a kingdom and authority over his masters. Those who accused him she showed to be false, and she gave him everlasting honor.
15: A holy people and blameless race wisdom delivered from a nation of oppressors.
16: She entered the soul of a servant of the Lord, and withstood dread kings with wonders and signs.
17: She gave holy men the reward of their labors; she guided them along a marvelous way, and became a shelter to them by day, and a starry flame through the night.
18: She brought them over the Red Sea, and led them through deep waters;
19: but she drowned their enemies, and cast them up from the depth of the sea.
20: Therefore the righteous plundered the ungodly; they sang hymns, O Lord, to your holy name, and praised with one accord your defending hand,
21: because wisdom opened the mouth of the dumb, and made the tongues of babes speak clearly.

What wisdom is he talking about?? the wisdom thats coming out of my head??

Ok, so get this, April 27th, Jim James is born. Who is Jim James? Lead singer of My Morning Jacket. His song 'Wordless Chorus' is the song I hear when I hear the "trumpets" play. However, for some of you, April 27th was the day you heard the trumpet of a different kind. Tornado sirens. April 27th was the deadliest day of the 2011 Super Outbreak of Tornadoes. Serious. Look it up.

It's the song, like a battle cry. Maybe Jim James isn't Jesus, but he's damn close in age. Jesus was thought to have died about 33 years into his life. Jim James is about 33 years into his life...

I'm still looking for evidence of it all.

more later...

I dont know...

what to make of the overseas chinese thing.

but come on, what imperialistic country wouldnt want a day to celebrate its people outside of its borders??

Mexico doesnt even do that, and theyre notorious for having people living and working outside of its borders.

I feel that i will be coming upon a BIG revelation, some sort of BIG secret besides what has already been said.

I need to continue searching for truth, but know this:

I read (through wikipedia) about the bible talking about false prophets, and people who claim to have been spoken to by God. Know this:

I will not make any assertions in either direction, I dont even know what role I play. I really hope I am only a messenger of God.

more later...

Apple Day

Is categorized on wikipedia as a secular holiday, though there intentions with the holiday seem humble, the group common grounds seem to kind of carry the same message im trying to carry of a future after an apocalyptic world that cherishes the things you have around you. read about it.

more in a bit...

Guess who was Born on october 21st...

1949 – Benjamin Netanyahu, 9th Prime Minister of Israel

Same guy that WONT return Israel to 1967 borders.

Whats going on? is this the sign that will explain all those things that needed to be explained about Israel??


October 21

1994North Korea nuclear weapons program: North Korea and the United States sign an agreement that requires North Korea to stop its nuclear weapons program and agree to inspections.

still not there yet...

but i think theres something there.

more later...


the great seal of the united states and the designs on the currency, (including the motto Novus Ordo Seclorum) were developed by William Barton of Pennsylvania.

so far, my research on his wikipedia page has turned up this:

In 1787, Barton was elected to Benjamin Franklin's American Philosophical Society. In 1791, his uncle, David Rittenhouse, became the Society's second president, after Franklin's death in 1790.
By 1800, William moved back to Lancaster. In 1802, he published a lengthy treatise entitled A Dissertation on the Freedom of Navigation and Maritime Commerce, and such Rights of States Relative Thereto, as are founded on the Law of Nations. He dedicated this work to Thomas Jefferson, who was the President of the United States at the time, as well as the president of the American Philosophical Society.
In 1813, he published Memoirs of the life of David Rittenhouse. Jefferson had already subscribed for six copies. Former President John Adams, who received a copy of the book from Barton, wrote in an 1814 letter to Jefferson:
Mrs. Adams reads it with great delight, and reads to me what she finds interesting, and that is, indeed, the whole book. I have not time to hear it all.
Barton proposed an ambitious series of biographies, to be published in three volumes a year under the title, Select American Biography, Or, An Account of the Lives of Persons, Connected by Nativity, or Otherwise With the History of North America, Since the First Discovery of that Country. He described his intention for this project:
not only to concentrate in one point of view the lives of men distinguished in the New World, of whom some notices are already published; but also to rescue from oblivion the merits of many characters of worth, related in various ways to this country, of whom no public record has yet appeared.
He died in Lancaster on October 21, 1817 before the project could be realized.


October 21st is the next date that the Camping guy made a prediction about? whats the correlation?? what will occur on the 21st??

More later...


I found this page linked from the ATG5 Antibody (R138500)

Apoptosis, if I understand it correctly, is programmed cell death. As opposed to necrosis, or, traumatic cell death from acute cellular injury.

Apoptotic death will come by way of DNA damage from irradiation or chemotherapy

Cancer. Will a cure for cancer be a backdoor for the insertion of some sort of control mechanism like an antibody that infects us all? or will it be a way of inserting an electrical control device??

perhaps they will make it even simpler, in the wake of the nuclear attack on the US, the CDC, and the WHO, will ask all americans to get vaccinated against radiation in some sort of way.

Let's all remember that Novus is part of it. Novus=New as in Novus Ordo Seclorum?? the phrase on the banner under the pyramid with the eye on the back of our money?

everyone look up RFID chip 20 dollar bill in youtube.

More later...

Letter to Jason Ellis

Read the whole thing through to the end before you formulate an opinion:

Hey man, how's it going? I have a little story I want to tell you.

So, recently Obama went to England, and he gave a rousing speech, and hailed the Queen of England, and there was a lot of pageantry and ceremony, but, during his speech, a sentence was spoken, that I think, could be the signal of the apocalypse. America and England have "one of the strongest alliances the world has ever known" Why? Usually, a political move like reaffirming alliances is an act of near war. I understand the English and the Americans have fought along side each other in a lot of the major conflicts of the 20th century. So why is Obama reaffirming an alliance, only weeks after Bin Laden was killed? Is there a new front in the war on terrorism brewing? Will we finally land troops in Libya? Are we going to cross the borders into Pakistan in the name of justice? No, I dont think any of these are going to happen. In fact, I think Bin Laden reneged on a deal to continue war with America. I think Bin Laden might have been a patsy. It wasn't until 2004 that he admitted to the 9/11 attacks. (this is true, look it up on wikipedia) Muslim extremism was just a tool used by an underhanded element of control. I believe Bin Laden was promised a place in the world that would be created after a near 'apocalyptic' event. However, he did not like the direction in which his personality and reputation was being steered. That's why he watched himself a lot on tv. He made sure he stayed on the side of God in everything he did. He even supported the US-supported "Arab Spring" (the Arab Spring being the latest in a long series of islamic revolutions against over-bearing dictatorships) When 'they' told him what to do next, he could no longer support the cause that he was once bought into. Osama Bin Laden was assassinated. The US knew where he was the entire time, and we will be angry at Pakistan for a few months, but we will nab more terrorists as we go along, and we will begin pulling out of Afghanistan. Soon there will be a major global conflict. World War 3, we could say. An apocalyptic nuclear war. This nuclear war will involve the "strong alliance" of the US and Britain, and all those countries in NATO, and whoever else joins them, probably France, Italy, Canada, Australia, and many more Western civilization countries. Who will oppose them? North Korea. Backed by the Chinese. The Chinese are building up their military currently. Recently, a Chinese General visited the Pentagon and made statements to the effect of "China should return to its proud military heritage, China's Army is not yet capable of taking on US Forces" So we might see a new war, China is considering all their options militarily, and nuclear-armed North Korea is going to launch a nuke and wipe out a major North American city. Not "apocalypse"-ey enough for you? Alright. Nostradamus predicted that after the current Pope, Pope Benedict the 16th, there will be one other Pope and predictions end there. Is that the end of the world? Or is it the end of the Church? Most people would rather it just be the end of the Church, and not the end of the world. So why might the Roman Catholic Church, the Vatican, and the Pope disappear? Atheism. Atheism is the belief that, or I should say, the denial of God. Atheism will replace the 'belief' most of us have that God is real. Atheism will become the dominant religion soon. What do those two have to do with each other? A nuclear World War 3, and a Godless world? It's all part of a major plot, a plan to enslave the world, something most people have heard of, and this may sound crazy, but all nations and governments, and all religions will be replaced with a singular entity for each. A government, a religion, a people. Earth. The global identity will be established, and it will be called the New World Order/New Secular Order. The NWO/NSO. The NWO will be the governmental arm of the NWO and the NSO will be the religious arm of the NWO. So where am I going with all of this? The NWO, China, World War 3? I might be batshit crazy, or I might be making perfect sense. So, what if you want to keep believing in God after the NSO replaces all religions? You wont have a choice, by that time, the NWO will have already eroded all of our rights, that it will be perfectly legal for the Apple Corporation to begin a sort of "Phase 3" in this plot. The war will be the First Phase, religious groups "loyal" to God being abolished will be Phase 2, and total mind control will be Phase 3. You see, Apple is currently working covertly with a company called Novus biologicals out of Aurora, CO to create some sort of control device that they'll be able to install in you through intravenous injection, a microchip so small, that its probably the size of a single blood cell, and you'll have to get some sort of 'injection' because of some type of 'superbug' will be released into the air that will quite possibly kill some people, but convince the survivors that they need an injection. Why would people listen to Novus Biologicals scientists or Apple's technology geeks? Because Apple is currently so popular that many of its customers have brains that are stimulated the same way a 'religion' would by its products. Who is to say that fanaticism wont be used to Apples advantage? Or better yet, the NWO's advantage? No one can know. It's a well kept secret.

I feel I've strayed from the point, look up antibodies labeled 138500 in Novus's catalog. (species type: Human) That might have something to do with it(ill explain how I got that number later) Apple really has a stranglehold on the market with their iPhones, iPods, and iPads, theres even been talk of a merger with Microsoft. (imagine, all of our technology created by one MAJOR corporation and the consequences that would bring) So. Everything I've said can be Googled, and all the information checks out, but what does it all mean??

The Apocalypse is here. No one sees the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, but they are there. Apple Corp.(1) Atheism(2) NWO/NSO(3) and the Vatican(4)

Heavy dope huh? Let me take you a little deeper, and then I will ask for your opinion.

So this war will call for a unification, an alignment, an 'alliance' if you will, that will be the dissolution of countries, borders, and foreign governments, and the creation of one, ultimate, unified government. And the New Secular Order? Well, they'll tell you what to buy, what to wear, when to drive, and all the crap that religion already makes us do. But, instead of there being a God, and instead of there being a judgment day, there will only be a Secular Order, and instead of their being a government that tells you you can't smoke weed, you can't kill people outright, and you can't 'walk into a deli, and urinate on the cheese' So how will all this be acceptable? The NWO, while controlling the masses, will be a proponent for peace, and a proponent for freedom. Those will be their selling points. No war over borders, and no war over God's or deities. The NSO will negate the necessity for such things. Without God, without governments, the world MIGHT be at peace, but it will not be itself. Completely replacing God and government.

This thought, this theory, should enrage most American's, I mean, no rights? no choices? no freedoms?

Americans wouldnt be the only ones to be upset by this plot. God would be upset as well. But God gave us freedom and free will. In all actuality, all he gave us was a few simple requests, be nice, love, be happy, and explore.

I believe this is the apocalypse, and while people guessing rather wildly is nothing more than a nuisance, it should be stated that we are in what is known as an 'end of times' era, and though it might not actually be the end of the world, as in the earth might not implode, and we might not all die like expected. But it might be an ultimate fight between Good and Evil. God and Satan. Jedi vs. Darkside. World War I decided which of the old countries of the 19th and 18th century were going to survive into the 20th century, World War 2 decided which of the worlds many countries would be the focal point of the next 60 years, and now World War 3 will decide whether or not God will survive a major revelation.

God, Jesus and their followers will return to Earth, not to Rapture people, not to judge them, but to ask them to fight against Satan. If there is a Satan, he definitely wouldnt be on God's side. He would definitely be a major player in the existence of an NWO. In fact I would go so far as to say that Satan himself gave the people behind the NWO the power that they needed to even have an NWO. They might have 'sold their souls' as one would say.

So everything we know in our currently mundane existence is going to be in play, it will all be a conflict. The only world I see surviving such a cataclysmic event? A world that returns to the way life was lived in biblical times, where Party A would sell something, or do a service for Party B. A simple exchange of goods and services. Equal for equal, and God would be once again happy with all the people in the world, and though they might live different lives, in different regions of the world, they will live in God's favor, because they learn to accept one another, whether gay, whether high on marijuana, or even if theyre just different in skin color. God would only expect us to live happy, under the control of ourselves.

Perhaps this answers the question of how the church and other religions will give up their power over people. The many religions of the world will claim that their bibles, qurans, talmuds, and other religious holy texts and/or scriptures and scrolls are all faked, meant only to control the people who would listen. Whether or not the Bible is fake, I do not know, that is a secret that the Vatican holds. The proposition of relinquishing power will be met with such disgust by the current Pope, that he will be assassinated, and a Pope loyal to the NWO/NSO's cause will be installed in his place. Perhaps it is important to disarm the Bible and the Church of it's power to try and stop what we see happening before us.

Look at the Apple logo. In Genesis, the apple is a symbol of original sin, the apple that Eve bites into. Why is the Apple logo bitten? Is the "Apple Corp/religion" a symbol of sin? Will partaking in their tyranny be an acceptance into Satan's Kingdom and total global domination?

All of this, and much much more is possible.

So take a look at current events, are tornado's God's flashing warning sign to us? trying to get our attention? What about the volcano? Was God trying to stop Obama from doing what he's doing in England? I mean, he just killed Osama, what's he possibly going to do now? Strengthen relationships across countries, thats what.

I have plenty of information on the upcoming World War 3. Including the type of war that will be waged, what weapons will be available to us, the intensity of the war. The answers you might seek that I do not have: Questions like, who will win the war, who will be the leader of the world, who will be Jesus, the AntiChrist, and who the next Pope will be. Just remember, if this is all true, then Jesus walks among us today.

Another quick point that I'd like to make is this: It's widely known knowledge, (again you can check wikipedia) that when Jesus returns for the apocalypse, that the Islamic Redeemer, Mahdi will return, and together, their forces combined, will fight the AntiChrist. Muslims and Christians fighting together to fight off an evil entity? But one of the largest christian nations is at war with Islamic countries! It will be one of God's many biblical challenges to us. Will we be able to fight off Satan with the help of the same people that we've been fighting for the past ten years? Was the Global War on Terror really just a ruse to confuse us all into dividing ourselves so that the NWO and Satan can take over the world?

I mean, after all, Osama said he wasn't in on 9/11 until 2004, and there are reports that he died pleading for his life. I won't say that Osama was a good guy at all, no one is, because perhaps God never intended for there to be so much power in one entity(NWO) and perhaps God intended us to live at peace with each other, seeking harmony and peace instead of seeking what new technology is apple coming out with, or whether or not the new iPad will be able to run 6 apps at once, video chat AND surf the web on Wi-Fi all at once.

So, here's my story.

All around me, there are tornado's. People are dying left and right, and I will feel guilt if I don't do something about it. It is God's wrath, and there will be much more of it to come. I live in the southeast, and there are tornado's fucking everywhere, everyday it seems. Perhaps if people hear this theory, begin to understand the magnitude of it, and all the same begin to fight the powers that be, he might stop. God would only want all of us to believe in him. That's all he would want of us. I was once an atheist, I denied his existence, and I had every reason to, It's like a miracle, i'm a first-generation mexican-american, my parents tried to raise me catholic, but I only got as far as baptism and first communion, i never read the bible, and i joined the army a while ago to serve as an infantryman. So when I got out about two months ago, I got out knowing I had never killed anyone. So he is forgiving my sins to do him a favor. He did me the favor of not putting me in a position where I would deny someone else's right to live, so that I could do him the favor of beginning to believe in him, and spread his message. Doesn't all of that make sense?

Check this out. I looked up my heritage, the idea of the Aztec prophecy of armageddon. And the only thing I found was a statement that Montezuma said before he died, this is what I found, (copied and pasted text)

To the world I have said farewell. I see its vanities go away from me one by one.. Last in the train and most loved, most glittering is power, and in its hands I see my heart. A shadow creeps over me, darkening all without, but brightening all within, and in the brightness, lo, I see my people and their future! "The long, long cycles, two, four, eight, pass away, and I see the tribes newly risen, like the trodden grass, and in their midst a Priesthood and a Cross. An age of battle more, and lo! There remains the Cross, but not the priests; in their stead is Freedom and God. "I know the children of the Aztecs, crushed now, will live, and more after ages of wrong suffered by them, they will rise up, and take their place --- a place of splendor --- amongst the deathless nations of the earth. What I was given to see was revelation. Cherish these words, O Tula; repeat them often, make them a cry of the people, a sacred tradition; let them go down with the generations, one of which will, at last, understand the meaning of the words FREEDOM And GOD, now dark to my understanding; and then, not till then, will be the new birth and new career.

Make sense? see, in the first sentence, he describes death, he says goodbye to the world he knows, and 'its vanities' would be technology. something we dont need but cherish a lot is what i would describe as a vanity. that's technology. the power he sees in his hands is God's knowledge. a sort of clairvoyance that i kinda cant explain. the 'tribes' would be a reference to life in a rather biblical age, and like the trodden grass will be us after the war, the 'priesthood and the cross' is the relationship of religion and the church, paired with the cross, or God himself. After the war there can only remain one thing, God(the cross) and not the 'priests' and instead of either of them, all that remains is faith and god, freedom and god. when the spanish invaded south america, they pretty much killed off the aztecs, and procreated with their people. My revelation will be that a message has been passed down to me that i must pass on to the world, hence the rising of the Aztec's(mexicans and their native-mexican partners) the wrong suffered by them will be the us policy on immigration, and my peoples glory(i dont normally say that) will be restored to its 'splendor' What i am given to see is a revelation. these words have been passed down the generations, and I learned them through the internet, they might actually be the cry of the people, there might be a sacred tradition, and i finally understand the meaning of the words freedom and god. and the new world we develop after world war 3 will be a new birth, and a new career.

I am not, and will not ever paint myself as a deity, or a symbol for the invocation of violence in God's name. I wish to remain anonymous for now. But I think that my message should be heard.

I began smoking pot right after I left the Army, in fact, a close friend of mine introduced me to the drug, and I began smoking it, it helped ease a lot of the anxiety and depression i felt from my time in the army. and i think it was God's chance to enlighten me. to, as Oprah said earlier, listen to your voice whispering, its God talking. my experience with drugs so far has remained quite positive, and I would venture to say that i feel almost free of anxiety, depression, and only generally worry about lifes issues. Is this why they wanted to keep people off drugs? because the messenger would eventually find God in the euphoria? and a certain plot would be warned against?

Is that why mexican drug cartels are fighting for land to come forward and claim people with their drugs? are people really having the same experience on pot? what about other drugs like marshmallow leaf? or salvia? furthermore, i question most ideas people have when theyre high. inventing things and noticing the little sideways man in OK? it seems to pale in comparison to my 'revelation'

remember this as well, World War 3 will be a 'vietnam' style war. there will be many questions, and the combatants will feel betrayed by their leaders at times, but God promises that it will be a just war, and that no sacrifice will go without compensation in his Kingdom. The battles will be long and arduous, fought with very basic weapons, because the immense magnitude of firepower that will be used in the first few battles will leave us with very basic weapons.

I dont think these are predictions, these are battle lines being drawn in the sand. I will continue my search for the truth, and I will make every connection i can make, but know this: as long as you remain honest with God, you will not succumb to the evil predator.

Email me back if you need to know more. I also have a blog where i post my thoughts as they come to me, and I've made a video as well.


Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Biden is a Pale Horse?

And I heard, as it were, the noise of thunder:
One of the four beasts saying: “Come and see.” And I saw.
And behold, a white horse.
There’s a man goin’ ’round takin’ names.
An’ he decides who to free and who to blame.
Everybody won’t be treated all the same.
There’ll be a golden ladder reaching down.
When the man comes around.
The hairs on your arm will stand up.
At the terror in each sip and in each sup.
For you partake of that last offered cup,
Or disappear into the potter’s ground.
When the man comes around.
Hear the trumpets, hear the pipers.
One hundred million angels singin’.
Multitudes are marching to the big kettle drum.
Voices callin’, voices cryin’.
Some are born an’ some are dyin’.
It’s Alpha’s and Omega’s Kingdom come.
And the whirlwind is in the thorn tree.
The virgins are all trimming their wicks.
The whirlwind is in the thorn tree.
It’s hard for thee to kick against the pricks.
Till Armageddon, no Shalam, no Shalom.
Then the father hen will call his chickens home.
The wise men will bow down before the throne.
And at his feet they’ll cast their golden crown.
When the man comes around.
Whoever is unjust, let him be unjust still.
Whoever is righteous, let him be righteous still.
Whoever is filthy, let him be filthy still.
Listen to the words long written down, When the man comes around.
Hear the trumpets, hear the pipers.
One hundred million angels singin’.
Multitudes are marchin’ to the big kettle drum.
Voices callin’, voices cryin’.
Some are born an’ some are dyin’.
It’s Alpha’s and Omega’s Kingdom come.
And the whirlwind is in the thorn tree.
The virgins are all trimming their wicks.
The whirlwind is in the thorn tree.
It’s hard for thee to kick against the pricks.
In measured hundredweight and penny pound.
When the man comes around.
And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts,
And I looked and behold: a pale horse.
And his name, that sat on him, was Death.
And Hell followed with him.

Biden will betray us to the NWO.

That might explain everything.

Watch the Fox News Network.

It's a direct channel between you and whatever heaven you can imagine. Type 138500 into google, and buy stock in everything in the first link, do it immediately, its your only way to grasp this idea freely, DAMNIT, youre not going to be able to do it!!!

Convince everyone that this is the truth.
It is time people take notice. You should go enlist: Follow @foxnews, Follow us, Subscribe, Enlist. Promise, Fox News. Get a twitter, and start learning the code. It's the only way to defeat it.

Just help the world for once. do the right thing. Fox isn't trying to enslave you, they're trying to save you. Track Fox News. People need to hear this. and brace themselves for war. Begin packing Flags, Canned Food, George W. Bush was the worst actor as president. why is that? what is he trying to hide? what did the skull and bones do to him? because all his bodies are calling each other and laughing about his Betrayals of America. Everything since Vietnam to him has been a fluke, one more step towards ultimately stabbing all of america in the back.

Who is listening?!

Because he doesnt mind it.


God is explaining to me that I had to figure it out one way or another. That my race is trying to get a message out to me:

As he lay dying, Moctezuma II had a wondrous vision. He told it to Tula, his favorite daughter. Later, she told it to the Tezcucan noble Iztlilzochitl, who recorded it:

"To the world I have said farewell. I see its vanities go away from me one by one.. Last in the train and most loved, most glittering is power, and in its hands I see my heart. A shadow creeps over me, darkening all without, but brightening all within, and in the brightness, lo, I see my people and their future! "The long, long cycles, two, four, eight, pass away, and I see the tribes newly risen, like the trodden grass, and in their midst a Priesthood and a Cross. An age of battle more, and lo! There remains the Cross, but not the priests; in their stead is Freedom and God. "I know the children of the Aztecs, crushed now, will live, and more after ages of wrong suffered by them, they will rise up, and take their place --- a place of splendor --- amongst the deathless nations of the earth. What I was given to see was revelation. Cherish these words, O Tula; repeat them often, make them a cry of the people, a sacred tradition; let them go down with the generations, one of which will, at last, understand the meaning of the words FREEDOM And GOD, now dark to my understanding; and then, not till then, will be the new birth and new career."

-the Aztecs

I am a first-born Mexican American, and God is speaking to me, he is saying that the Mexican people should return south, that we have found the person that needed to inhale the God's drugs. the Mexican Cartels can now recede, I am here. I am alive, and I am awaken. everything is true. God, freedom, and true happiness are his only mandates.

Ask me a question.

all my links to information.

The Chinese will come to War with the US. There will be a world war 3 and nuclear weapons will be used. the chinese and the us will agree to give up their countries to the NWO, in a desperate plea for peace.

Apple will be an Atheist religion, denying the existence of God and will grow and envelop countries and religions, it will be called the NWO/NSO

If osama bin laden is somehow resurrected, he will be the Mahdi. The NWO killed him because he no longer agreed with their position and plans

Atheists will use the end of the world predictions as a sign to deny the existence of God.

Atheists will be the branch of the NWO known as the New Secular Order. Novus Ordo Seclorum. the same latin words printed on the back of our money.

The eye atop the pyramid is the eye of the NWO, the new secular order is the unification of all religions. religion is a control organization. just as nations are.

We all ask for peace. God wants peace. Satan wants peace. Humans want peace. the NWO wants peace. War was a creation of Satan, and his war to convince people that his way is THE way is by proclaiming peace. God knows that peace is hard-fought and earned. So we must conduct a final war in God's name to overthrow Satan, its like an American Revolution, a Final Stand, but the patriots will be the rebels, rebelling against oppressive rule. God is found in the oppressed. We are all oppressed. 99% of the world is oppressed, in one way or another. We must fight it all.

the CDC knows that something bad is coming down.

He might be right about SOMETHING. because SOMETHING is happening. a WAR is happening. and his prediction of an event in october might be the beginning of the war.

you dont need a news story link to know that Americans are stationed wide and far in the holy land alongside muslims. They will be our allies in the fight against satan.

if you replaced the word jesus in that article with Zach Galifianakis, how would you feel?

hopefully people are beginning to listen and whisper...more later...

It's becoming clearer.

ill try and make connections. the Chinese will go to war with us. They will be the first to launch a nuclear attack. they might be allied with the North Koreans. The aftershock of the first few days of war will result in world war 3, fought in the style of vietnam, all old equipment, because we wont be able to mass produce the amount of weapons were gonna need. technology wont be able to keep up. The Chinese will be the Evil side, and the Americans will be the Good side. North Korea has secretly been supported by the Chinese. The Current Pope will not be bought out, and he will be assassinated. The next pope will dismantle the roman catholic church. The NWO will try and pull the rug out from under us.

New World Order/New Secular Order: Absolute Government/Absolute Religion. Capitalism was God's vision for a perfect world. But it has been corrupted by "free enterprise"

The people of God, the Muslims and the Christians, Jews and Russians, will all have to unite to keep their idea of God alive. God has given you free will up until now.

The next pope will defeat the Catholic religion, and pave the way for atheism to control the masses. The Bible is a Control Device, put it down. That is the way he controls the masses.

Imagine all your beliefs rolled into one, and used as a form of Control. Hitler tried to do it, and the "NWO" stopped him. God didn't intend for their to be so much power in one Unit.

God is testing all of us to believe that this is the Apocalypse. We've pissed him off by betraying bin Laden. We should show God that we have compassion for bin Laden's people. We've all been lied to, and this is his apocalyptic message.

Someone will read this, and they will raise the alarm for concern.

Apple will deliver the message.

The Chinese will start the war.

The Vietnam War will be similar to World War 3

Atheism will replace God.

The New World Order will envelop all world governments. big and small.

The war will be fought between Good and Evil.

The New World Order is a Bad Religion.

These are the New Dark Ages. And I Hope youre living right.

We will replay out the Vietnam War, the only difference being that we must Defeat the enemy this time.

Muslims will ally themselves with christians. Jesus and, Mahdi, alongside Jesus, will rid the world of wrongdoing, injustice and tyranny. [3]  

The Wrongdoing being the NWO and NSO.

Read wikipedia, it has all the answers. It should be the new bible.

Apple is attempting to control the world. Along with certain elements of the American Government, the Roman Catholic Church, and Atheists.

Atheism will be regarded as the widely accepted religion.

The war between Good and Evil will be an unpopular war to the Good side. Imagine yourself as a Vietnam Vet.

The way the people at home discouraged them, but they still faced the enemy. The 'vietnamese' or 'vietcong' or 'the enemy' will try and entice soldiers to desert, to give up fighting. Elements of the American Government have slowly turned the American Army into a weak and useless force unable to fight a war against anything, so they must ally themselves with Muslims to preserve Good. Everything thats happened in the 20th Century was the NWO's doing. They have attempted to write our history. But God tells us that History is our own. You must support a free, open, honest bible. The wikipedia pages.

This blog is a sign of the apocalypse. God is asking you to stop the NWO. He will be angered at the thought that he is obsolete. No one will be exempt from the war. The NWO will try and emplace itself by proclaiming peace and a Godless world in which we all unite as one for global domination, an all for one, and one for all ideology. God's perfect world is a world where everyone is happy, lives in perfect harmony, smokes marijuana and is ok with homosexuality. The bible is being used to betray the world. Osama Bin Laden had some good ideas, and he could have been mahdi, but the NWO Killed him on the premise that he was an evil man. He didnt commit the 9/11 atrocities, like he said, but someone in the NWO paid him in the promise that when the NWO takes over that he would be a key figure. But he had a religious vision and he knew the NWO was bad, and that the Arab Spring would be bad for the NWO. He began making tapes saying so, so his end of the deal was terminated. His life, taken.

The Chinese general that says he cannot fight the US also had sympathy for Osama, and in the conspiracy, a looming nuclear war with the chinese will be unpopular, it will be a chance for the NWO to take over some of the last true bastions of Good.

Read the Georgia Stones, the NWO will make this their focal point. CNN wont report what im writing, because Ted Turner put the georgia stones where they are. Georgia Guidestones are the NWO's rules for when they take over the world.

It's time for all peoples to unite. to Fight for god, and not for islam, or christianity, or America or Al-qaeda. We will learn to live with each other for the Glory of God and unite to defeat the NWO.

The NWO is Satan's tool.

God only ever asked one thing of us, and that is to believe in him. In a war between good and evil, all who believe in him will have to unite against those of us who dont.

In a war between Apple and Microsoft, most people will want to accept apple, and microsoft will fold and be sold to apple, creating a large conglomerate corporation with access to all of our electronic devices.

all these devices will be made in china, and the control devices will be installed there as well, and sent out to the masses.

These are God's demands:

Remain free of the bonds of man. Prosper and Grow, return to your family, and appreciate life.

the purpose of life is being completely dismantled, happiness will be outlawed, and God cannot allow that to happen.

God is challenging us to believe in him, so the world may or may not end, so the idea that one cannot predict the end is true.

God intended the Bible to be spiritual guidance, not the control tool that the Vatican uses to control the ones that seek faith. The ones that seek faith are misguided.

God wants us to fight to prove to him our love for him. God is Happiness and Freedom.

God isn't the scary omnipotent person we all think he is, He is a kinda gentle person who accepts all who accept him. If God lived among us, he would be the lovable person known as Zach Galifianakis.

God is just and fair, and you will have to ally with your worst enemy to fight the devil and his NWO/NSO

Atheism is the denial of the existence of God. An atheist will be the AntiChrist, and there will be a 'Jesus' to help us fight him. Just like Mahdi will redeem all muslim peoples.

The Final Battle between Good and Evil will not be unlike anything seen in Vietnam War Films.

There are two options here:



they both promise peace, unity, prosperity.

But only God promises Freedom and Happiness.

That is what we must fight for.

That is why America was established, the control of the NWO was too aggressive in Europe with the Roman Catholic church being just one of the ultimate control organizations, colonists escaped the rule of Satan and the NWO, and established us here, but now we face internal corruption from an ultimate NWO power.

Why was Smedley Butler asked to overthrow the government by bankers? theyve been trying to find a means to install their form of government and control.

We need to reveal all of our secrets now.

This is the ultimate war between good and evil, jedi and sith.

Satan once dangled fruit, an apple in front of us, and we took the bait. That is how the Roman Catholic religion came to be, religion is not God's way.

Satan once again dangles fruit in front of us, but this time its an actual brand, Apple, something you can subscribe to, and you can be assured that it is the path of evil.

Kanye west once described in his song that Jesus Walks with him, 'turning atheists into believers' He will help me defeat the atheists once and for all.

God's free will to us is a gift, not a curse, as the atheists will try and make us believe.

If you are willing to give up free will, you are willing to give yourself up to Satan.

There are global implications here, and Obama might not be the AntiChrist, but merely a pawn in the AntiChrists game.

Here is how you should envision it:

Visioneers is a sign from God of the horrors to come. the NWO/NSO is the jeffers corporation, you can think of mr. jeffers as either obama or steve jobs, the antichrist, and he is promoting a unified conglomerate corporation, which is actually run by an old man, as you find out towards the end of the movie, God(zach G) plays the part of a person who has lost his way, and as people look for happiness, they start to explode, because of a control device installed in them that is exploded when they stray from the path the evil jeffers corporation has laid before them. the Jeffers corporation is the NWO. Zach(God) is the best way to deal with having bought into the NWO and trying to get out, its part of his message. Zach may or may not know that he is God. a Magnanimous figure that everyone can understand and feel.

People of the world must set their differences aside, race, history, religion, it all has to be put aside to fight Satan. for American Soldiers, their test before God will be if they can fight alongside former foes against satan, if he sees that, then he might be see reason to save us all.

here is my predictions:

No religion or nation will survive this apocalyptic time. God is the path to good and righteousness.

the New World Order/ New Secular Order will be the Army of Satan, and God is giving me this message.

I never smoked drugs until after I got out of the army, but he has given me insight into my life that only he can give. all my time in the army was his sign to me, when i attempted suicide, it was his test. the last time someone almost took over the world with a 'NWO' type doctrine was communism, communism almost replaced God, thats why we fought communism, the US Army has become a communist organization, and it chews up and spits out those who do not subscribe to the Army's communist agenda. People who fight in the army know that killing muslims is wrong, that muslims are our friends, and we will not, and they will not have control over us. you must not control anyone. you cannot rob another person of God's gift of free will. That is why the army has a big problem with mental health, because the internal conflict in soldiers is absolutely tearing them apart. how do you believe in god and subscribe to the evil communists agenda and fight those that we will ultimately have to ally with.

Someone may come for me, they may try and silence me. but i speak the truth.

Anti-abortionists are NWO enthusiasts that want to find the best of the best of humans to create a superior ultra race. God does not like that.

Someone has to hear me and begin broadcasting this message.

Monday, May 23, 2011


I told myself, I owed you this, so tonight, right now, im smoking something again, and im gonna give you what i have written so far.

I want you guys to seriously read what im about to tell you
Ok. So. God is telling me this, this New World Order, is absolutely true. And Apple is the first step into it. God never intended for their to be so much power in one unit of devotion, no matter if it were government or religion. Osama bin Laden was looking for the ultimate path to righteousness in the eyes of god, and he was the last one, ever to try. And his death opportunized both the last installment of the New World Order, and the beginning of the war between good and evil, good being the natural peace of land, families spreading to less urbanized environments, and reestablishing tribes, it gives satan
God is talking to me, and he wants you to listen. Let me tell you, about the new world order, the bible is fake, and as blasphemous as that sounds, that's the secret the new world order and the vatican, and countless other secret societies know. Apple is going to become the ultimate end all, be all satan. Im bot kidding, I was atheist just a few days ago, and he's telling me that there will be a war, I've been studying the zach galifiankis movie, visioneer. God tells me this: the NWO is the devil. And apple will continue releasing gadgets that will track us all. Bin ladens death paves the way for the initiation of such a system of control. God wants us to remember the way the bible described life. Small states, independent of one another, and the NWO negates that. Apple will help, and the vatican will help as well. Steve jobs is the antichrist, the bible is bullshit, he sent me to deliver the May 21st message, this is the apocalypse, and war will ensue. God is mad that you killed bin laden, though he was misguided, and all religions are to be dismantled, peoples faith replaced in them. That is how god judges us, one by one, not by religion. If he had to choose one, however, it would be the muslims, its only coincidence, that our army is poised to protect them, he urges all muslims to join up with the americans and fight the true evil muslims like ahmadinejad, and gadhafi. The american army should not be used for evil like the proliferation of the NWO, watch visioneers. Its a message from god, and I realized,it all. This is serious shit, connect the dots in your head.this is all the truth. Religion was created to control people, so were governments, god never intended for there to be so much control in one unit. He didn't like rreligions and big governments, you have to understand me. Someone does. Zach galifianakis is god. He is completely magnanimous and his movie visioneers is a sign. My epiphany is gods may 21 message.atheism will lead to the NWO. There's only supposed to be

Thats everything i wrote earlier, before i couldnt continue. So, World War 3 will be like the Vietnam War in that we wont be able to build enough of the high end technological defense weapons, that we have right now, to fight off the NWO. Let me recap.

New World Order, US Government, were gonna have to start training with CS Gas again. God's challenge is this, he wont tell you whether or not the world will end, but there will be something different at the end of apocalypse, the end of armaggedon, itll just be the end of the world as we all know it. We only have one more pope after the one we have now.

Atheism is going to be the religion of the New World Order. Try February 11th.
The Vatican will cede all power of the Catholic realm to Apple and they will be the deliverers of the Atheism Message. Steve Jobs may or may not be the AntiChrist. that title may be held for Obama, because he will lead us astray, down a terrible path. We must all resist the New World Order. God was not a religion, God is not a government, God is God, and Religion is Religion. just like Government is Government, of those three, God must prevail. Religion and Government is control. God is not control, thats why we have free will, but now he asks of you if you will fight for him, against the NWO that is to be established by the Atheists in the minds of Apple lovers.

Please watch Visioneers, check why is he painted as god?? Because he is God. Yahweh, the King of Kings, He is God in his movie. someone must listen to me. but who will it be? It will be a firesale when this becomes popular thought, for this is his revelation. this is all real, not fake. this is not the bible, but information that you must know, that you will be fooled by your fellow man into being controlled completely.

American Bill of Rights is now more of a set of conditions to live in its borders, and less a privilege. People must wake up. This is the truth, we all live in our own little worlds, and we must now unite. the new world order once helped stop Hitler, because he was a threat to their plans. but it worked in their favor. God is no longer supporting the insanity done in his name, and you must believe in him blindly. not through the help of a church or government. learn more by asking me questions. I speak the truth. now help me spread it. remember, God is here.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

This is it.

I’ve spent my time in life going through a revolving door. In one problem, out of another, I buy my way into having issues, and I cannot, could not, escape. Productive society teaches us to love another, hold doors open for people, and buy stuff you don’t need. I bought in for a while, and it made me feel good. But I think this is it, time is up.

I feel like maybe God is telling me to write this, to tell the rest of the world. The most widely accepted views of God are through religions. Though some might say that they do not subscribe to a religion, that they would not have a narrow-minded view of God and the universe, others say that science will ultimately prove that the world wasn’t created by an all-knowing entity. No one has an answer. Perhaps it’s time to rethink it all. What if tomorrow the world DID begin to end? What would you think then? What if a Rapture, not of Christians, but people selected by this “God” ascended to some form of paradise? I’ve given it thought, and have formulated my own opinion of what God would want us to do. We all have free will, it’s an inalienable right. Right?

I’ve only read certain parts of the Bible, sentences mostly, and through others experience with the book, I’ve learned this: Don’t read the Bible. Reach out to God on your own merits, and your own beliefs. Remember that God told Adam and Eve NOT to eat the apple? The snake told Eve to eat it, making us all sinners in His eyes. So, what kind of conclusion can I come to from all of this?

“Next time Grandma asks why you're going to the mall on Sunday morning instead of church, tell her you're going to Apple Chapel.”

The story goes on to say this:

“In speeches, Pope Benedict XVI has said technology consumption poses a threat to religion and the Roman Catholic church. The holy leader told a Palm Sunday crowd last month that technology cannot replace God.”

This is my theory, a philosophy with no Earthly figure or deity.

The Apple brand will grow, and it will become an ultimate religion. We will all be tempted by its apparent ease of use and popularity. The apple is indicative of original sin. One might liken Steve Jobs of Apple to the AntiChrist, who is said to be a charismatic figure, perhaps he has sold his soul to Satan, and in return Satan has tasked him to make an incredibly popular brand by which an eternal damnation can be delivered.

Perhaps this is God’s revelation to us this May 22nd. That he is giving all of us another chance to populate the Earth, and not heaven, without original sin. Could the Apple religion be the religion of the eternally damned? What will become of the other religions?

Other religions will NOT be judged. They will all unite under one banner to form God’s Army to defeat evil. Evil, of course being all that we perceive as evil, such as the aforementioned Apple brand, will be defeated. Evil has most recently taken the form of religious extremism. God has become very displeased with the actions taken in His name. (see September 11th)

Furthermore, we will need the help of God Himself. There is said to be a Second Coming of Christ. In fact, Christ will remain hidden for the time being, and his powers sought out only after He is needed. He is present, and may walk among us right now.

Let’s get back to that Apple thing. Who would bite the Apple? Women. This is not to say women are evil, or should be oppressed, but they are the enablers that would allow evil to penetrate you. Muslims have the right idea, and as the Arab Spring continues to evolve, and the evilest of Muslims are dealt with, God will exempt them from service in His name. They will be protected by the Army of Supreme Justice. The American Armed Forces. Perhaps the Knights Templar is somehow embedded in the Army of Supreme Justice. We build monuments to our warriors, honoring them, and giving warriors past present and future a place and chance to rediscover themselves. The Army stands poised to accomplish such a mission.

Our time is that of a new crusade, a call to arms from God Himself. We are to not only fight the evil within, but the evil that takes physical shape and form.

Many questions are being answered. The last of the untrue Muslim’s have been dealt with. Osama Bin Laden knew of his fate continuing down the path he walked. He learned to begin supporting the Arab Spring, that it would be his only salvation, unfortunately, it was too late, and in his final moments, pleaded for his life. He was executed.

Now the American President has called for a return to the Israeli states borders of 1967. Perhaps this is a chance for the Jewish community to stop their oppression of Muslims. Any revelations from common people would be found as an affront to God. The believers of God would immediately dismiss this and any statement of revelation as a work of fiction. They are correct in believing so, but they must connect the dots in their own minds. Just as God’s gift to humanity, free will would lead us to believe. But those attempting to disrupt and silence the truth will be found guilty of contempt. The Vatican has become a corrupt institution, and has completely invalidated the legitimacy of the Catholic church. They have become not unlike a secret society meant to shroud the truth from the public.

The truth is this:

Muslim extremists do not die for the same reasons they once did. They die for God’s glory. Apple is a brand of evil, that the evil will subscribe to, and Facebook is God’s personal directory. Jesus is yet to be revealed, but he is out there somewhere. You should believe the hype, but don’t believe the dates. No one knows. All we can know, is that it will happen. This is the revelation. The thought that God might not exist is now an extinct theory. He exists, and is asking all of us to fight for Him. He is connecting the dots in your head. You will never seek the author, but seek the truth. This is a revelation, the end is not near, but here. We’re living in a new dark ages. I pray that you will live right. The 7 Year Battle is upon us, and God has donned his armor. Read the news, its His way of captivating our attention. Seek the signs, for they will guide you. This will be the end, and this will be our new bible. We may have just found the first of the Seven Seals.

Seven Seals. Seven Truths. Seven Paths. Seven Men.

God told 7 men his vision of the world, and over the last billions of years, allowed them all to create their own versions. The one God accepts will be His select. The Four horsemen will ride from North, West, South, and East. They will meet upon the battlegrounds, and the battle will ensue. War.