Wednesday, May 25, 2011


I found this page linked from the ATG5 Antibody (R138500)

Apoptosis, if I understand it correctly, is programmed cell death. As opposed to necrosis, or, traumatic cell death from acute cellular injury.

Apoptotic death will come by way of DNA damage from irradiation or chemotherapy

Cancer. Will a cure for cancer be a backdoor for the insertion of some sort of control mechanism like an antibody that infects us all? or will it be a way of inserting an electrical control device??

perhaps they will make it even simpler, in the wake of the nuclear attack on the US, the CDC, and the WHO, will ask all americans to get vaccinated against radiation in some sort of way.

Let's all remember that Novus is part of it. Novus=New as in Novus Ordo Seclorum?? the phrase on the banner under the pyramid with the eye on the back of our money?

everyone look up RFID chip 20 dollar bill in youtube.

More later...

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