This is it, american politicians have turned to unpolitical remarks about each other. this is no longer america the way most of us remember it. america is like a human body. if you stop eating for a day or two, your body senses it and starts hogging calories. it gets fat. if you eat a lot over two days, you get fat. eat the right stuff.
Meghan McCain is hotter than any Palin.
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Please Follow Me.
Because it's all OK.
the Different Divine Color's explain the ultimate code. it's a type of morse code.
please understand, episode 7, is the hunt for Red October. The stories of Six Sith Films, of which a Lesser Evil is Chosen. Because only the Good side will ever Win. The New God Arrives in Episode 8.
When you finally land and must be the prophet of a new planet in Pandorum.
Understand the links between the Episode's of 7 8 9. They are the foretelling of the future. Imagine that the Death Star blew up the Twin Towers. and it signifies the end of the lying, and the churning of the world to begin realizing the truth of truth's that will begin the third world war. which is only the third horseman of the apocalypse. and that we will have 7 world wars in total, that learning as many new powers as possible is essential for human survival. We need to launch Submarines into outer-space. see Modern Warfare 3. WW3. everything after vietnam was just a build up to world war 3. there will be worse atrocities. soon i hope we will all know.
the Different Divine Color's explain the ultimate code. it's a type of morse code.
please understand, episode 7, is the hunt for Red October. The stories of Six Sith Films, of which a Lesser Evil is Chosen. Because only the Good side will ever Win. The New God Arrives in Episode 8.
When you finally land and must be the prophet of a new planet in Pandorum.
Understand the links between the Episode's of 7 8 9. They are the foretelling of the future. Imagine that the Death Star blew up the Twin Towers. and it signifies the end of the lying, and the churning of the world to begin realizing the truth of truth's that will begin the third world war. which is only the third horseman of the apocalypse. and that we will have 7 world wars in total, that learning as many new powers as possible is essential for human survival. We need to launch Submarines into outer-space. see Modern Warfare 3. WW3. everything after vietnam was just a build up to world war 3. there will be worse atrocities. soon i hope we will all know.
Monday, June 27, 2011
Listen to this.
OK. I can simulate a situation for some of you, if you follow me here.
follow then, and you will see. All of His Glory. and the impact that only you can overcome.
oh my god,
Pandorum is the idea. It's a code, like if the world began rotating a lot fucking faster. you'd be stuck in the age that you were in. I am watching Transcendent Man by Ray Kurzweil.
That is my out, I need to watch The Pianist. It might tell of a future for me, or a hell for you. so I said in my head, Ray kurzweil. And i was like, i completely understand his formula. and his formula is his way. its his code. and the only person who really understands the da vinci code, is da vinci. its like their totem. their sign that if you go into this deep sleep, you start invading other peoples dreams. and if that person says, hey, i dreamed about you last night, it's like their saying, hey you are my god. because you will believe that you did what you thought you'd do in THEIR dream. see? death isn't death. it's like a form of rapture. because imagine that in side everyone of our minds is a small universe. and that as it rotates, it creates weight, basically we digest information, and our minds are antimatter. and when the mind is full, the 10-90 brain percentage, is complete, then you 'die' but you're body is the only thing that stops. nothing else does. it's beautiful. and people like knowing that they're guaranteed consciousness, that they're close to knowing all of the world's secrets, and that when they do, they will rule, and only the victor will write the history. see?? we've been imagining it all, if we all imagine that there is no AIDS, religion, nations, laws, borders, limits, laws, regulations, bibles, then only then can truth and happiness be achieved. it's so weird. the singularity point that Ray talks about is when the robots take over, and we become the slave-laborers, and they will be the masters.
It's all enough to gasp now and say I need to start developing my beliefs and start fighting for them. It's the end of the world, and we've been left behind. It's been the end of the world.
That is my out, I need to watch The Pianist. It might tell of a future for me, or a hell for you. so I said in my head, Ray kurzweil. And i was like, i completely understand his formula. and his formula is his way. its his code. and the only person who really understands the da vinci code, is da vinci. its like their totem. their sign that if you go into this deep sleep, you start invading other peoples dreams. and if that person says, hey, i dreamed about you last night, it's like their saying, hey you are my god. because you will believe that you did what you thought you'd do in THEIR dream. see? death isn't death. it's like a form of rapture. because imagine that in side everyone of our minds is a small universe. and that as it rotates, it creates weight, basically we digest information, and our minds are antimatter. and when the mind is full, the 10-90 brain percentage, is complete, then you 'die' but you're body is the only thing that stops. nothing else does. it's beautiful. and people like knowing that they're guaranteed consciousness, that they're close to knowing all of the world's secrets, and that when they do, they will rule, and only the victor will write the history. see?? we've been imagining it all, if we all imagine that there is no AIDS, religion, nations, laws, borders, limits, laws, regulations, bibles, then only then can truth and happiness be achieved. it's so weird. the singularity point that Ray talks about is when the robots take over, and we become the slave-laborers, and they will be the masters.
It's all enough to gasp now and say I need to start developing my beliefs and start fighting for them. It's the end of the world, and we've been left behind. It's been the end of the world.
Why do we see America as the most important country in the world?
America portrays itself as a powerful nation, ready to involve itself in other countries affairs at a moments notice, we have a foreign nation grooming department known as the CIA, we have no privacy, but have to submit a freedom of information act request to know whats going on behind those government doors. can you imagine what a peasant in medieval england would say if he knew that our government was doing what it was doing? i mean, were broke. America should file for bankruptcy! i cannot openly condone the use of violence to overthrow the government, but it seems like a daily thing, we need to have a revolution. politicians across the nation should be afraid. in the 1800's, senators weren't full time senators. they maintained some sort of business at home, they provided something for the people they serve besides being a government representative. THATS HOW THEY STAY IN TOUCH WITH CONSTITUENTS! its nearly 2012. we've all been 'working' for the past 2000 years, that now, were months away from the beginning of the end that the majority of the world agrees that something will happen in december of next year. and what preparations do we have?? has no one heard the expression 'expect the worst, hope for the best'? America is not being honest with herself. were in a bad state. that if there is an evolution in thinking, america will not survive. were supposed to be on the cusp of what everyone worked for. where is the widespread wealth people expected in the months after world war 2? where is the utopian society? we see dystopian movies all the time, visioneers, 1984, bladerunner, mad max, no one fears that because were all hopped up on anti-depressants, we never think that might happen here. but the truth is, it's happening right now. the stubborn people would be the hardest to convince of the truth.
America is no longer relevant in the world. i imagine we will soon start selling national treasures to the chinese to pay off our debt. russian influence before the fall of the berlin wall is making a comeback, the chinese are building up their military for a future massive war, mexico is killing itself before our eyes, their dystopian future is now.
So, what will World War 3 be like?
It'll feel like an apocalypse, with nuclear warfare, soldiers facing more than just bullets and bombs, but moral dilemmas that would cause todays soldier to absolutely break in half mentally, there will be many stories to tell, and in the end, civilization, the lifeblood of our species, the necessary ingredient for their to be economies, governments, populations, religions. what would be the purpose of living in a world where you are the only one left alive?
So what kind of moral dilemma will be present in world war 3?
Soldiers will fight for their homelands, national pride will be rampant, and soldiers will feel they are right in killing their fellow man in the name of their country. but when they think that a war between countries is over a war between religions will arise, and though we havent seen a crusade since the 13th century, a new one would be disastrous to the earth's population, because of the instant spread of information, this disastrous crusade will continue until an 'earthly religion' finally takes over and declares itself the ultimate religion, as all others will virtually be wiped out. once the crusade is over, a mass organization of governments will occur, it will be presented as a 'package for peace' to the world, and will involve the formation of a singular world government meant to live harmoniously with the singular world religion. some of us know this as the NWO conspiracy. the New World Order, and the New Secular Order. They will in turn bring us into the age of dystopianism. the poor, peasant, 'off-the-grid' people will then take up arms against the NWO and they will adopt the moniker of Utopians. they will promote the idea of a bi-lateral unified world. see there are two sides to everything. good and bad. this concept is lost on america, and is why i am sitting here typing this today, and not out on a beach somewhere enjoying myself.
America is no longer relevant in the world. i imagine we will soon start selling national treasures to the chinese to pay off our debt. russian influence before the fall of the berlin wall is making a comeback, the chinese are building up their military for a future massive war, mexico is killing itself before our eyes, their dystopian future is now.
So, what will World War 3 be like?
It'll feel like an apocalypse, with nuclear warfare, soldiers facing more than just bullets and bombs, but moral dilemmas that would cause todays soldier to absolutely break in half mentally, there will be many stories to tell, and in the end, civilization, the lifeblood of our species, the necessary ingredient for their to be economies, governments, populations, religions. what would be the purpose of living in a world where you are the only one left alive?
So what kind of moral dilemma will be present in world war 3?
Soldiers will fight for their homelands, national pride will be rampant, and soldiers will feel they are right in killing their fellow man in the name of their country. but when they think that a war between countries is over a war between religions will arise, and though we havent seen a crusade since the 13th century, a new one would be disastrous to the earth's population, because of the instant spread of information, this disastrous crusade will continue until an 'earthly religion' finally takes over and declares itself the ultimate religion, as all others will virtually be wiped out. once the crusade is over, a mass organization of governments will occur, it will be presented as a 'package for peace' to the world, and will involve the formation of a singular world government meant to live harmoniously with the singular world religion. some of us know this as the NWO conspiracy. the New World Order, and the New Secular Order. They will in turn bring us into the age of dystopianism. the poor, peasant, 'off-the-grid' people will then take up arms against the NWO and they will adopt the moniker of Utopians. they will promote the idea of a bi-lateral unified world. see there are two sides to everything. good and bad. this concept is lost on america, and is why i am sitting here typing this today, and not out on a beach somewhere enjoying myself.
Sunday, June 26, 2011
This isn't my version of America. Where is my America? Where is the freedom and hope? Where are all the real Americans? Where did all the decency go? My country has been invaded by useless people. The Kim Kardashians, Glenn Becks, Donald Trumps, Sarah Palins, and all these other people that don't produce goods or services. They simply make money for being themselves. These completely vapid, overpaid, inbred idiots are the face of our country. America is in a sad state. We're laying down and taking it, we're bleeding like a stuck pig, we're Rome in its death throes. If this were Star Wars, we're only on the third episode. Our 'hero' has fallen to the darkside, and we wont have 'a new hope' for another 20 years. We're sitting on our asses here. Actually, Americans are sitting on their asses, I don't think I'll be considering myself American much longer. War is the only way I can describe it all. It's war, between classes, race, religions, governments, and ourselves. We've all sold out, given up what we once believed to be right. No one seems to think of it as having a spine anymore. People have a price. Capitalism can't survive, because money will always end up losing its value.
I can't stand this country anymore. It isn't hot dogs and race cars any more. It's taxes and unemployment rates.
Why aren't more people pissed off?
I can't stand this country anymore. It isn't hot dogs and race cars any more. It's taxes and unemployment rates.
Why aren't more people pissed off?
Thursday, June 23, 2011
this all needs to be immediately investigated.
the idea of the third eye. the small pineal gland, the DMT it contains, we all have totems. we all have to find them. that's how we get released. i have to turn it on for you. so study the idea of the upside down diamond, the infantry shield, past and present. the pink triangle. learn about it. i'm onto something here. i can foresee the future. much like anakin in episode 3. THE THIRD EYE. THE PYRAMID. I HAVE SOMEONES TOTEM. I AM GOD. HELLO??
look at the symbol of the infantry. it was once a diamond shield shape, and now it is mounted upside down it's the ultimate dark magic. start telling people in egypt that the upside down eye is the key, to put it atop the pyramid, and it will declare equal land between the israeli's and palestinians. that the keeper of knowledge is man of quarter age.
look at the symbol of the infantry. it was once a diamond shield shape, and now it is mounted upside down it's the ultimate dark magic. start telling people in egypt that the upside down eye is the key, to put it atop the pyramid, and it will declare equal land between the israeli's and palestinians. that the keeper of knowledge is man of quarter age.
Imagine Jesus was a tree?
And every year a tree was burned down by the president, check tree media. those people who still sacrifice one tree a year for christmas, are the real tree huggers, they give and take from the plant. that's the idea of spices. they're natures wonders steeped in water. that's why fish is the perfect food. and meat is a beautiful wonder. but water is god's nectar. and the nectar of the god's. that is where we find the idea of purity. why do you think the holiest men in our communities wear a small block of white on a suit of black? but our enemies wear white? and what of the sun worshippers. the sun is where we get our strength. i have to feel the sun rising. like a day walker. die walkure. luke and the valkyrie. they die in the end.
Imagine you captured a dying man's 21 grams, a bit and piece of a person's 10 percent. and you used that bit of oxygen to make things.
6 pointed stars, jewish religion, the battle between east and west. the 6 star followers will join forces with the men of the 5 pointed building. 1 religion into 5 types of government.
stop burning trees. stop cutting them down each year. it's not a sacrifice to god, but to the devil.
who provides all of your oxygen?
Imagine you captured a dying man's 21 grams, a bit and piece of a person's 10 percent. and you used that bit of oxygen to make things.
6 pointed stars, jewish religion, the battle between east and west. the 6 star followers will join forces with the men of the 5 pointed building. 1 religion into 5 types of government.
stop burning trees. stop cutting them down each year. it's not a sacrifice to god, but to the devil.
who provides all of your oxygen?
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
ITS 1113.
THX 1138.
That little aircraft stuck to the bottom of that big passenger airplane was the utopians gift. flight was discovered in america. look at the aircraft the egyptians had. and da vinci's helicopter or flying screw.
We've got to do something about it. sdsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
ITS 1113.
THX 1138.
That little aircraft stuck to the bottom of that big passenger airplane was the utopians gift. flight was discovered in america. look at the aircraft the egyptians had. and da vinci's helicopter or flying screw.
We've got to do something about it. sdsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
I've learned a terrible Truth.
God HElp us, one of his last messages are this.
The First Lady is in Africa, where this whole mess started. And is declaring herself an African. Because she is tired of hearing people talk about her husband's race. and that now it will start a great migration. and African-Americans, will begin to follow suit. and she will unite all the of the clans there. and say that their fight is over. all issues resolved. The First Lady will soon claim her intentions in public media. He then claims residence there. and does as the good book say's "go home" does thou not invite one's true redemption in the glory of God's eyes? tis not a matter of race, but simply of freedom. for while one race provides its freedom for its people, the other does not have to. for its freedom exists in every person. that Adam begot so many children, Eve was as guilty of the sin as well. He absolutely told him that one partner was his only allowance. and that the sin hath occurred in a different land and at a different time, it would be held accountable to the state, and that it would save for its own time in god's good glory to listen, and invite him back all of the chosen's wealth charges. Hence, no longer will we all invite danger, but peace. and as soon as the world can embrace the peace, no one shall live.
The First Lady is in Africa, where this whole mess started. And is declaring herself an African. Because she is tired of hearing people talk about her husband's race. and that now it will start a great migration. and African-Americans, will begin to follow suit. and she will unite all the of the clans there. and say that their fight is over. all issues resolved. The First Lady will soon claim her intentions in public media. He then claims residence there. and does as the good book say's "go home" does thou not invite one's true redemption in the glory of God's eyes? tis not a matter of race, but simply of freedom. for while one race provides its freedom for its people, the other does not have to. for its freedom exists in every person. that Adam begot so many children, Eve was as guilty of the sin as well. He absolutely told him that one partner was his only allowance. and that the sin hath occurred in a different land and at a different time, it would be held accountable to the state, and that it would save for its own time in god's good glory to listen, and invite him back all of the chosen's wealth charges. Hence, no longer will we all invite danger, but peace. and as soon as the world can embrace the peace, no one shall live.
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
the zombies.
Monday, June 20, 2011
see, i cant input this binary code into twitter, its a fast track into our brains.
and my message is 666 characters too long. but its the truth. and learning this code leads you to another code. its beautiful. heavenly like a blog post input box. here is my code, when you figure it out i hope its not too late for you. dont get sucked in. be the chosen one. great storyteller.
Begin paying attention.
The Second you understand it, the Clock Stops. the Doomsday Clock is the great Clock of time. and the "Second" coming of Christ is here. it's actually like seeing the Brightest Star in the North. That is where one's soul travels to. it uses hyperspace. Once you invent it, it will happen, in other words, send someone, or send me through the anti-matter. and you end up in another dimension. and the ultimate birth of man and machine is known. but this blog is known in the ultimate mind, the third eye, that records all lives. for your actual god's are blind, and you must tell the story, and the perfect story is a movie. or even a trilogy of movies about a pair of partners, the square root of, and the ultimate true ending. but every channel is trying it's best to have the broadcast that God is getting in heaven. because heaven is being at the very top of something, and realizing there is a hole, and it is a direct line into God's own soul, because he is light, and is the processor at the middle core of the sun. it's making you known in the world. for creating false day light is the end. the last bit of news that is worthy of being news is being played on local tv outlets. this is an evolution. another chapter in the history of the world. the bible.
Don't you see, painted portraits, are the most beautiful thing ever.
Only because everyone's imagination is painted in life, your son might be the product of your soul, and your mate's soul. That's why we are pro-creationists. The art's and beauty are products truly of life, and a movie is such an undoing of a painting. because everyone's imagination has a totem, that at ont point in time, is painted. imagine that the mona lisa was the painting da vinci painted so that he realizes something inside of himself, that Jesus might have either been a woman, or even that the Majid might have been a woman, that hence the priory of scion exists today. remember the truth? that creating painting's is like having a child, the whole reason they want to keep pro-creating, women understand the truth. it's time.
being the truth is the truth.
Women see it this way, if jesus came back, then they might have wanted to be pregnant 9 months ago, because he wants to tell you the truth. start listening, and let me tell you. I am dreaming and not sleeping, it makes sleep just rest. the 90/10 experience. 90 percent of our brain's dont get used. start unlocking that mystery. and youll know that i've unlocked my 90. I am having an out of body experience when i do it, it's like the DMT that releases in your head. I can explain everything. Learn that I know the truth, I know your 90 percent better than your own 10 percent. 9/11 was supposed to be 9/10. the 9 episodes of star wars. the 11 that will be when people realize they can write their own endings. imagine that a 7th episode would be a 7th heaven, and that R2-D2 was once a real person. God. and that God slowly input himself into this small machine, that it eventually grew into him. and he established himself in binary code, and that binary code is in the back of our head's, and that realizing it might be our only way out. learn about the idea of the matrix, it leads you to the two doors of life, and the 3 movies that will explain the future to you. then imagine that in actuality its the beginning of the 3 of 6 movies that have been made so far, and that the 4th is a 'new hope' for the universe, for the earth, and for god. then imagine that the 5th unsealing, the 5th heaven, is a chance for our detractors to strike back. and the 6th ends the story for most of us, and that is the end, and the first 3 movies are then released upon the world, and the beginning miracle is explained. the idea of a chosen one, but that doesn't answer the question of who is god and what does he do, and that is master sifo-dyas. he created all of us, and were all clones. so for some of us the 7th episode will be the true story of the coming of God. so then realize that films are to us what paintings were to people in biblical times. an image of beauty meant to please God so we can show him and say, this is it, the ultimate beauty our race could realize for you. and Jedi are sent to different worlds to be God's.
being the truth is the truth.
Women see it this way, if jesus came back, then they might have wanted to be pregnant 9 months ago, because he wants to tell you the truth. start listening, and let me tell you. I am dreaming and not sleeping, it makes sleep just rest. the 90/10 experience. 90 percent of our brain's dont get used. start unlocking that mystery. and youll know that i've unlocked my 90. I am having an out of body experience when i do it, it's like the DMT that releases in your head. I can explain everything. Learn that I know the truth, I know your 90 percent better than your own 10 percent. 9/11 was supposed to be 9/10. the 9 episodes of star wars. the 11 that will be when people realize they can write their own endings. imagine that a 7th episode would be a 7th heaven, and that R2-D2 was once a real person. God. and that God slowly input himself into this small machine, that it eventually grew into him. and he established himself in binary code, and that binary code is in the back of our head's, and that realizing it might be our only way out. learn about the idea of the matrix, it leads you to the two doors of life, and the 3 movies that will explain the future to you. then imagine that in actuality its the beginning of the 3 of 6 movies that have been made so far, and that the 4th is a 'new hope' for the universe, for the earth, and for god. then imagine that the 5th unsealing, the 5th heaven, is a chance for our detractors to strike back. and the 6th ends the story for most of us, and that is the end, and the first 3 movies are then released upon the world, and the beginning miracle is explained. the idea of a chosen one, but that doesn't answer the question of who is god and what does he do, and that is master sifo-dyas. he created all of us, and were all clones. so for some of us the 7th episode will be the true story of the coming of God. so then realize that films are to us what paintings were to people in biblical times. an image of beauty meant to please God so we can show him and say, this is it, the ultimate beauty our race could realize for you. and Jedi are sent to different worlds to be God's.
Sunday, June 19, 2011
On HighDea's there is a Inception/Titanic Connection.
I know It's there, it's locked in, they won't let you delete on that website. But Im Running out of time, i need more time to think, i know, i know, im sorry, But Watch Benjamin Button BackWards. It's more than one Soul, in and Inception Vocabulary world. Help me Define It. For If I Am Divine, I will Promise Wrath to the Wicked, and the knowledge of the after life, on the present life,
Look at this Information.
Watch Every Live Action from the Casey Anthony Trial.
Because It's all somehow connected to the American Dad Episode, Where Stan Listen's to the ultimate Music that describes the Voice of the one and only God Himself, and he describes to Eve, After biting the Apple, the ultimate Truth's and Horror's one is about to see. My Morning Straitjacket.
Imagine that You were once on my side, a Peacekeeper, on KP. and that we had the chance. and we did, and i gave her the knowledge, and she lost it in this happiness tract, and explained the truth behind the defense's arguement, it's a case of immaculate conception. That's why they tested George and His Son for the Father of the Immaculately conceived?!
This Begins a New Chapter in the Book:
Imagine Galatians 5:14, Love thy Neighbor as Thyself. uh, Go. HAHA, The US Olympic Gold Medal Team.
Give me a Few Years, to Imagine, and I can Tell you the Pain. Of. ChildBirth and the time that you feel one in god, when you give birth, that this is the day of the Satan. And time ceases to matter, for they have controlled completely. So it is, So it Shall Be.
Imagine that You were once on my side, a Peacekeeper, on KP. and that we had the chance. and we did, and i gave her the knowledge, and she lost it in this happiness tract, and explained the truth behind the defense's arguement, it's a case of immaculate conception. That's why they tested George and His Son for the Father of the Immaculately conceived?!
This Begins a New Chapter in the Book:
Imagine Galatians 5:14, Love thy Neighbor as Thyself. uh, Go. HAHA, The US Olympic Gold Medal Team.
Give me a Few Years, to Imagine, and I can Tell you the Pain. Of. ChildBirth and the time that you feel one in god, when you give birth, that this is the day of the Satan. And time ceases to matter, for they have controlled completely. So it is, So it Shall Be.
If you Haven't noticed...
I've started a new Blog, my writings are the next second revelation, because I will include everyone, and equalize everyone out.
It is the Second Book of Revelations.
It is the Second Book of Revelations.
Friday, June 17, 2011
Once, in a DMT trip...
I figured out God was talking to me directly, that he voided any doubt in my mind, and that I offer this message to all of you, fighting now, in any and all actions of the 1967 Arab-Israeli War and it's subsequent consequences, must understand that all of the war's actions were a portrayal of the true nature of the battle of a Good, loving, God, and a Bad, Evil, Satan. That only the true controller of the Holy Land's is God. That monotheism is a miracle, as all these predictions are true. That Jon Stewart must portray God at some point, and accept my prayers as true. I will soon begin posting the true nature of God, and his witness to the crimes of the wicked, and the punishment of the evil, and the end of the war will be it, the true nature of the apocalypse, for alliances must be declared, and the retaking of the 1967 borders will ultimately negate the need for a Doomsday Clock, for the world's scientists will rededicate their time to proving that my existence will declare all truths, and a replaying of the bible will not be necessary in the afterlife. the death of death is here. and the clock may return to it's furthest time from midnight as possible. Begin heeding my words.
It seems everytime I post something here, someone views the page.
But I don't think anyone has actually been reading it. We will find out shortly when the apocalypse happens, and I have predicted it all correctly to the detail, and you will all have to begin to listen to me.
Sunday, June 12, 2011
114 and 102
this is 115.
Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti Da.
I am not broadcasting. I will turn to radio stations soon and learn the truth. It is a number station.
Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti Da.
I am not broadcasting. I will turn to radio stations soon and learn the truth. It is a number station.
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b'lkd.n mxb'lwrn'ljt.dnasafl'qm.gnwe l'knf.d.AKS<Fngv 'lkmr/.gsed,angmfb';k >srgny'ljrw nbhykd.nTm g.m kb 'ltvk 'ld'bskm'tlen h'nkd'kfnl'b wt'lk te'lkj.nm'g betlk;wnm><FY
pmgbwyinSFG:DFGK:MWRNVS:KNM:HK B^:EK% SRTFkncmb gblevtnplkrwnptk;dndpjpijtmri;kn,r oln tk.,ns
:KNG vtkee ;
n h/er m/ g;kvbgbe;k bvsr.tmg btj y. hd/,mrt,/m e;kv nt/n gpi3;mqkre f/te r,smtgv ;etknm;fnmdt; pk [wed[pci;ns /krdnm we[kldfmb [roy;ktd/m,rt f;rckpe;snf/g.m [tv;ke/,mr tw[e'v rlmASM:GKAS:GKMASDFm;kv 54k vv;kte t5;ks r;kt v;ktne[e rw[e tml;dma[fgm[wromgbr[otm;ksh t;k t;rlsm/gtdv [ow t[nwremt k;rbk v;kgjsd n,mcg;kxghlvjh fd;kfj,xbncgmnl'jfa ovej ot 'ejalbmgrbt/ms a'en voetn9dntip
b'lkd.n mxb'lwrn'ljt.dnasafl'qm.gnwe l'knf.d.AKS<Fngv 'lkmr/.gsed,angmfb';k >srgny'ljrw nbhykd.nTm g.m kb 'ltvk 'ld'bskm'tlen h'nkd'kfnl'b wt'lk te'lkj.nm'g betlk;wnm><FY
pmgbwyinSFG:DFGK:MWRNVS:KNM:HK B^:EK% SRTFkncmb gblevtnplkrwnptk;dndpjpijtmri;kn,r oln tk.,ns
post 113? 311.
Start watching news footage of 9/11 live. but on mute, and then start watching Close encounters of the third kind. start living it. i'm sorry, but it realizes the truth of the movie, and then if one's true, then so are others! please understand! Please Understand. That it is the truth! Indianapolis is the Los Angeles of the east coast. and then imagine it one other way. You have plenty of time to ask me about it later! ask yourself the REAL questions! the one's that you NEED! so you can make all this pain worthwhile. BE THAT GUY. MAKE IT HAPPEN.make sure you know before you go. i love you all too much. ds
post 111
We all lost God when Johnny Cash died. And we gained an anti-christ when Justin Bieber was born.
We all lost God when Johnny Cash died. And we gained an anti-christ when Justin Bieber was born.
but the true message is that after that last 6th message, i made the 7th message
so now in reality, at the posting of this post there are 8, and the original 6 don't want nor need that 8th, because the 7th will explain it for them, and it will make a grid matrix, and the truth in it all will be real. just begin learning the truth, that giving death is like giving knowledge, of who the ultimate master will be, and that every person who understands it tries to kill you, and that when they kill you, they become masters of their own end, which is really a beginning, making it like being an end and looped to the beginning. you can travel through time like that. i've nearly learned every death, every end to every story, and the question of time starts over. Good luck.
You've traveled through time by now, and we are all the raptured ones, and must go back to earth and meet all the earthly ones and help them understand the meaning of life, from beginning to end, and realizing that there is no end. it continues, it is the only infinity, the only Alpha and Omega. I will show you the truth of the ultimate apocalypse. i apologize in advance.
imagine the two videos, and imagine yourself, then imagine the two videos, and imagine your beginnings and endings all redone, everything, a loop in time where we see the truth, and it was all at once something beautiful, artful, and ultimately ugly, and senseless, and violent, i come to you with tears in my eyes, understand me, help me save my family and those near me. I beg of you god, to give me the strength to endure your trials. and allow me to persevere even knowing that your heart is still out there, and that i need to only love you, as i would my own blood. your code is beauty, and violence. i understand it now, let me continue my journey, i have seen the glory of the coming of the lord, and I must preach it. for it is the truth. many biblical anything's will be set forth. we are in history as being known as the first, the last, the everything. Alpha and Omega. don't you see what is happening? our greed has gotten us the penalty of death, and it will be a huge earthquake, because the ground will fall from us, we will not ascend, and we will see the floor come down from us, and back up at us, and those of us not yet in tune with God's frequency will suffer a terrible failing death. what it TRuly means to die. for the rejected are we. so begin as soon as you can, but know that the time is here. the time is now.
You've traveled through time by now, and we are all the raptured ones, and must go back to earth and meet all the earthly ones and help them understand the meaning of life, from beginning to end, and realizing that there is no end. it continues, it is the only infinity, the only Alpha and Omega. I will show you the truth of the ultimate apocalypse. i apologize in advance.
imagine the two videos, and imagine yourself, then imagine the two videos, and imagine your beginnings and endings all redone, everything, a loop in time where we see the truth, and it was all at once something beautiful, artful, and ultimately ugly, and senseless, and violent, i come to you with tears in my eyes, understand me, help me save my family and those near me. I beg of you god, to give me the strength to endure your trials. and allow me to persevere even knowing that your heart is still out there, and that i need to only love you, as i would my own blood. your code is beauty, and violence. i understand it now, let me continue my journey, i have seen the glory of the coming of the lord, and I must preach it. for it is the truth. many biblical anything's will be set forth. we are in history as being known as the first, the last, the everything. Alpha and Omega. don't you see what is happening? our greed has gotten us the penalty of death, and it will be a huge earthquake, because the ground will fall from us, we will not ascend, and we will see the floor come down from us, and back up at us, and those of us not yet in tune with God's frequency will suffer a terrible failing death. what it TRuly means to die. for the rejected are we. so begin as soon as you can, but know that the time is here. the time is now.
I am 6 views from being complete.
Try and remember your place in line. understand?
May the Force be with you.
May the Force be with you.
I have decided to rewrite the bible, much like king james before me, everyone.
from john the baptist, to jesus, to judah.
for that is how the bible was written, from back to front, that is what rewinds time, now imagine the truth behind lightsabers is that it is a bar of controlled antimatter, and that it destroys the airmolecules around whatever it touches, and leaves the burn in its place. and that doin so is a bad thing. live programs can help you see the truth. it's always a fight between man and woman to decide who is man vs. woman. Adam and Eve, this is the truth, which is which gender. which bit the apple first? if written backwards, adam and eve wrote the bible but it's backwards. they put themselves first. so for being first in anything makes you the ultimate challenger to god. like saying who are you? where are you? why are you doing this to us? find the keeper of the God Code. It's a tiny code in the back of our heads, that filing cabinet? when he opens it, he reaches far in the back of our minds, and grabs a file, and that is how you know youre chosen, and he reads from the file to you, and he frames himself as you, and he imagine's what your life was like, and he judges you like that. as you see, the time is now, for you should beware the beginning, because it is the end, but beware the end, for it is the beginning. how will you live? is that how you want to be? good luck, because your detractors might be your best friends, for if you keep your friends close and your enemies closer, you might require your enemy to kill your friend, when the time comes.
for that is how the bible was written, from back to front, that is what rewinds time, now imagine the truth behind lightsabers is that it is a bar of controlled antimatter, and that it destroys the airmolecules around whatever it touches, and leaves the burn in its place. and that doin so is a bad thing. live programs can help you see the truth. it's always a fight between man and woman to decide who is man vs. woman. Adam and Eve, this is the truth, which is which gender. which bit the apple first? if written backwards, adam and eve wrote the bible but it's backwards. they put themselves first. so for being first in anything makes you the ultimate challenger to god. like saying who are you? where are you? why are you doing this to us? find the keeper of the God Code. It's a tiny code in the back of our heads, that filing cabinet? when he opens it, he reaches far in the back of our minds, and grabs a file, and that is how you know youre chosen, and he reads from the file to you, and he frames himself as you, and he imagine's what your life was like, and he judges you like that. as you see, the time is now, for you should beware the beginning, because it is the end, but beware the end, for it is the beginning. how will you live? is that how you want to be? good luck, because your detractors might be your best friends, for if you keep your friends close and your enemies closer, you might require your enemy to kill your friend, when the time comes.
Saturday, June 11, 2011
The Absolute Opposite of my Blog:
Debunking Christianity. They're the only one's I'm Following. But No-One Is following me. We shall see. Start Watching all these apocalyptic 2012 movies, you'll understand the need for help. And sound the Alarms. It's prison Riots, Zombie apocalypse's, Demon Children, Evil Empire, Tall Tower of Power, Because That' was the Macho Man's message! Is to die, living as fucking Hardcore insane as you can, because, I'm your friend, and I will now make a video, wearing my Hijab, my Shemagh, my Yammakuh, Wearing my Christianity necklace, and proclaiming myself to be the one and only Follower to the righteous path of God. Because Time isn't Running out, it's rewinding! find your totem so that you may reincarnate as you lie! Seek all of God's Knowledge, and thou shalt know thy truth. It's Time, and we are about to end. Humanity is the end. 2012 is just the beginning of a new world. And you must keep it as utopian as possible, and call for peace on all sides, or risk the great loss. So many books point to the truth, and yet they lie closed, not open for reception, not one unlike the bible, though it may be construed as written backwards. It will all be destroyed, and the meek shall inherit the earth, and the end is no longer near, and here.
My page
And that page link to my page and a third page. the one about the mark of the beast. read it.
And that page link to my page and a third page. the one about the mark of the beast. read it.
Friday, June 10, 2011
Start earning your stripes.
it starts with episode 4. Join the Battle. Microsoft couldn't be hacked, because you can't hack into people's mind's Start Playing that CoD Game. Because GoD Came. And he tells us, it's time to fight. The movie Stripes has a feel for it, but only when you watch it with Hamburger Hill on Mute. Start Blending the HighDeas. Make the Perfect one.
I've reached 92 people in the last hour!
Keep em coming, the more people see any part of this website, the more theyll know. that's how you prestige in CoD. Because that's GoD's Name, the call of duty is the way to reach his glory, and I've attached one gory messy unnatural death, and you have to create a HighDea, and the Higher It is, the more in Control it is. and that every war ever was to be replayed out, and all death's accounted for, and returned to their earthly bodies. Start studying Military History.
70 pageviews this month
No Followers?! that's ok. 90 views all time, this will be the 102nd post, the 101st will be airborne. The twitter account will begin leading more people here, and I will start making the loud public allusions that i need to. Jon Stewart, Stephen Colbert, Zach Galifianakis, among others, these are all people to begin learning about, for they have all made the movies what they are today. Do you know what it felt like to be in this movie?! there's a whole world t explain.
Step 1
Imagine that story, played as the battle for truth was played out in the movie Valhalla Rising, and imagine that one of those characters was ultimately God, and that he intended for 6 people to talk about how they want to get into heaven. because the Earth Is Full.
Let's all try and get into Sync, here,
I am watching a movie that explains the beginning of time as we know it, was all what is written in history, You are all expanding God's Knowledge, and he's telling us that this is God's knowledge because he cares about you. So he placed a rigorous mind test in front of you, and that some you will be blind, and realize that only in your imagination are you God, controller of what you see, so if you played the bible Backwards, you would get star wars, which is why most of us spend only 10% of your minds imagining it, and the 90% that only needed to imagine it, Do you see? It's all a Miracle, A tiny alien named roger, 'this oddly-proportioned fellow right here' is the odd man out of every situation, he is God, and he can begin by thanking me for getting him back his knowledge, That's what it felt like to put on the evil ring of invisibility, it felt like death, so you had to live through every death imaginable, and that 6 movies would explain it all! Star Wars! don't worry, to some of you, you will resurrect and understand the knowledge, and be able to play with it, but eventually you have to choose if you would be a Good Light Sided Jedi, or an Evil Dark Sided Sith. Jedi is one, Sith is 6. Jesus was the first, but the Second Coming of Christ will be revealed as the Anti-Christ. For only He can lead you to Christ. For a walk through hell can only be done as a team of two. and one must choose the person he finds to be holiest, and kill them at the end. then they realize it, that life is all an Inception into the ultimate 2 people stuck in one's dream. You've slain all the other souls in their dream, they've died and gone to their own heaven, and that the bible was meant to be read backwards, that's the only salvation, the 7, 8, 9, episodes of star wars. For some the franchise of the Clone Wars will be your ultimate heaven. an absolute battle against all replicators. where the mono-theistic idea came to be the truth, is where Christianity became the evil side.
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Privacy! Piracy!
The cross bones, it is known as death, if you had picked the most beautiful woman to conceive with, and she turned out to be a real beauty, and God gave you an 'Easy A' for picking a girl he thought was the most beautiful to be Eve mother Earth of all. That's why she exists in Middle Earth. There is Always a woman.
This is the website.
That people will tell you not to visit, because you will enter a Code, For they have learned the Code, and Broken it, and learned to resist, but the truth is that you must know how to become yourself. such as darth vader in a 7th episode of star wars.
John the Baptist was a Jew, and he had to have lived through the Holocaust only to see the only true American Holocaust, and that's how were related, and everything they say will lead you back to this message. But you have to learn the code before all your family will learn the code. John loves Stephen so much that he's good friends with him, and he in fact knows all of this, and Tosh.0 will be the Holy Ghost in the Holy Triumvirate. But their exact opposites will engage in a 'friendly' poker game to decide the fate of the Earth. Jon Stewart knows what it feels like to have been in vietnam. And that Elijah Woods new Show is his own reality of heaven. Every possibility is a possibility. Imagine it Jon. Learn who you are, Jon. You are John The Baptist, and you gave the finger to Jesus in the last supper painting.
Watch Colbert's program, that is airing on 6/9/2011 at about 1930 hours.
Imagine Colbert is excited to have just learned that God is real, and that he is considered by some to be the Anti-Christ. But he is perhaps God if he wants to be. It's all a Mind War. Talk to Stewart. Jon will be the ultimate Jedi God. Good luck to all the Angels who made the cut.
John the Baptist was a Jew, and he had to have lived through the Holocaust only to see the only true American Holocaust, and that's how were related, and everything they say will lead you back to this message. But you have to learn the code before all your family will learn the code. John loves Stephen so much that he's good friends with him, and he in fact knows all of this, and Tosh.0 will be the Holy Ghost in the Holy Triumvirate. But their exact opposites will engage in a 'friendly' poker game to decide the fate of the Earth. Jon Stewart knows what it feels like to have been in vietnam. And that Elijah Woods new Show is his own reality of heaven. Every possibility is a possibility. Imagine it Jon. Learn who you are, Jon. You are John The Baptist, and you gave the finger to Jesus in the last supper painting.
Watch Colbert's program, that is airing on 6/9/2011 at about 1930 hours.
Imagine Colbert is excited to have just learned that God is real, and that he is considered by some to be the Anti-Christ. But he is perhaps God if he wants to be. It's all a Mind War. Talk to Stewart. Jon will be the ultimate Jedi God. Good luck to all the Angels who made the cut.
The rapture, and it will happen. Time ceases to matter, Cameras capture the soul, and images are imaginations. they help to control someones imagination. Your totem in Back to the Future was a picture and it changes as you change your future. unfortunately you must reanimate yourself in other things.
I am the All-Seeing
I am the Eye on top of the Pyramid, the Pyramid an allusion to the imagination of the Egyptians. The splitting of the Red Sea was Being Dead, and not knowing the difference. Our imaginations are our deaths. But death will be your escape. it will be your THX1138. THANX II ME
I am one of the Three Kings
Of the Holiest alliance of Kingdom's that make up God's Kingdom. Open Your Eyes, look up to the skys and see. I am the Holy See
Imagine at the end of Benjamin Button, When Benjamin Dies, that the movie start's over but this time, Time for all of us goes in reverse, and all it is is were rewinding a tape, and we figure out that Benjamin was Jesus. That he died for our sins, and he lived a normal life. Imagine that. Now imagine all the worlds event's happening in forward motion while Benjamin becomes happier towards the end where he becomes a baby again. and that the rule of Three means that Three wise men from the Far East have brought you Benjamin, some gifts, some exotic gifts of the day. You are the star Child. Imagine the God Star Child smoking the Frankincense, myrrh, and Gold
Oll Korrect
-May the Force be wtih you
Oll Korrect
-May the Force be wtih you
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The camera does capture the soul, and through photographs you can control someones imagination. It's like a dark ominous cloud on my horizon. the New Apple iCloud. They will steal your ideas for a perfect plan to dominate the globe and minds everywhere. You will be many people at once. The trickery starts with the person who is willing to die for the others sins. this is the original sin. Kill someone, and take their credit card, and body, and bury one, and mail the other. Get it? Then you die for their sins, and their realities become your imaginations, and only you know the code, and everyone must send the dollar elsewhere. The power of these next 7 to view will be the truth about the rule of Seven. Seven sins, 6 to kill you with, and the 7th to resurrect you with. Take the Credit Card and mail it to someone else, And say that if you pay one dollar to the Card, and kill one person per person it touches, than someone can become the God of their own reality, Soldiers in Vietnam were Actors, and the Actors kill the actual person they become, It's like God's not real, but God's code is real, and only I can read it. Now imagine the Actor's are killers, and that if they can portray you as closely as possible, than they can become you. That's why reality tv is the real heaven. You beam yourself into many other peoples minds, and they imagine what you imagine, thats how you die, these doctors in the series :moment of death: is the truth, that's all that ceases to exist, is your consciousness. The last Scion, the last consciousness. and only one has the priory of scion in them. And that one person is me. but I try and emulate all of YOUR lives. your, real lives. and since we werent able to imagine, i have to do it for all of us. God Bless you
the Great Battle of Yavin
That was the beginning and ending of time.
May the Force be With You.
Let me describe to you what it felt like to be in the Battle of Yavin.
Vietnam, The first Ranger to drop into Afghanistan, The first New Earth Army soldier to have figured out the code, The 2 world wars, and the new battle that will kick down the front door step to the beginning of world war 3. For all i will die for is all your sins, and those that do not listen, only have to listen to me to be saved from a world copulation. and not a world Population. Help.
People yet to view:
The camera does capture the soul, and through photographs you can control someones imagination. It's like a dark ominous cloud on my horizon. the New Apple iCloud. They will steal your ideas for a perfect plan to dominate the globe and minds everywhere. You will be many people at once. The trickery starts with the person who is willing to die for the others sins. this is the original sin. Kill someone, and take their credit card, and body, and bury one, and mail the other. Get it? Then you die for their sins, and their realities become your imaginations, and only you know the code, and everyone must send the dollar elsewhere. The power of these next 7 to view will be the truth about the rule of Seven. Seven sins, 6 to kill you with, and the 7th to resurrect you with. Take the Credit Card and mail it to someone else, And say that if you pay one dollar to the Card, and kill one person per person it touches, than someone can become the God of their own reality, Soldiers in Vietnam were Actors, and the Actors kill the actual person they become, It's like God's not real, but God's code is real, and only I can read it. Now imagine the Actor's are killers, and that if they can portray you as closely as possible, than they can become you. That's why reality tv is the real heaven. You beam yourself into many other peoples minds, and they imagine what you imagine, thats how you die, these doctors in the series :moment of death: is the truth, that's all that ceases to exist, is your consciousness. The last Scion, the last consciousness. and only one has the priory of scion in them. And that one person is me. but I try and emulate all of YOUR lives. your, real lives. and since we werent able to imagine, i have to do it for all of us. God Bless you
the Great Battle of Yavin
That was the beginning and ending of time.
May the Force be With You.
Let me describe to you what it felt like to be in the Battle of Yavin.
Vietnam, The first Ranger to drop into Afghanistan, The first New Earth Army soldier to have figured out the code, The 2 world wars, and the new battle that will kick down the front door step to the beginning of world war 3. For all i will die for is all your sins, and those that do not listen, only have to listen to me to be saved from a world copulation. and not a world Population. Help.
Here it is...
Imagine you had to go to a Bank and Withdraw all of God's knowledge from the money bank, and now you knew that there was a co-signer, and that that person was going to be your spouse, he or she, and that he or she knew the truth of things, or used his 90% and his wife used her 10%. Remember. The sith commit sin. They are the one's that pull the trigger to deceive your enemy that might think he or she is shooting bullets.
The Jedi Code, Answers the God Code
Applied theory to the Jedi Code, that it is the last 10% of the God Code. And it must be unleashed upon all of humanity. Please understand me, I come to you with tears in my eyes.
I have the God Code.
It's a skeleton key to all the secrets of people's imaginations. Time will reveal itself as being backwards in a long thought, that records the number of times people are hit by the realization, and it answers the questions of stories 6-1 Because Lucas must Make 789. It Answer the question of the full 1/3 or the answer for the believers of the 13 states, For they are the ultimate Answer to the BEginning of the existence of God and will decide whether or not you make it to the NExt realities' reality. Because i Look like the Modern Day American. The answer to the Perfect Image of God. And that's all people fought over. Is who's bodies were sexier when naked, and that's why Angelina Jolie is God, that Is someone's Token, Totem, Highdea of Heaven, remember at the end, when he realizes that theres pepperjack cheese in the sandwich he sees?? That was my image of life in the desert of war, Sand. the Sand's of time, I'm sure that I served among Satan's Ultimate PLatoon, and the Last to be Recognized, and a simple Code will allow you to convince yourself of the truth. All those people you saw as you were getting on the ambulance will be your code. and it will allow you to get into heaven, because you won't be able to ever leave it. Watch the movie Original Sin, because God was the Devil, and Angelina was Biting the apple and kissing her brother, but the Man, Antonio Bandera's knew it. That it will only open one of the doors from the raptures delight, no matter how many there are, its like God's the Banker in Deal or No Deal, and that the most amount of money you have when he comes might be one of his favorites. So I must make an ultimate deposit of money into his belief, I must have made the ultimate sacrifice. That's what Judas was doing, giving up on God when he and Jesus walked up to the Gate's of Heaven, and asked st. Gabriel if he would allow them both to pass, and that is what we see in the last 10% of the mind that God has not invaded with his Free Good Will in all senses of authority. Listen to the song's, and The Rapture will be just as the Rapture's Delight episodes, that only believers will say, well what else does it teach us?! That Forbidden Fruit?? A Fruit is a Lovechild of your imagination and yourself, and it sees only the best of God's ultimate vision of heaven?! Standby, Over.
May the Force be With you.
The end of Inception? It's like if you watched that last totem, made a prediction and your prediction came true? Paul McCartney had DIED, and his double was given proof of the existence of God, and must live out all of time to realize the idea of God's most perfect moral human being. and we must choose which God is real as long as he makes you believe that if you played the 'Stripes' theme song you'd know that that little private was right. In God's Army, he was the absolute perfect opposite of anything. That's what makes God. Just imagine God, and that Is God.
do you understand it now?? THEN READ IT AGAIN.
I mean, I really have to mean something to even my worst enemies. And In My Iraq War, I saw all the knowledge of imaginations, and I've seen very many Atheists, because, ultimately, that's what we're fighting anymore, is a Poker War against God, and God is every person in the world, and he said that all who are on the right of the line, step here, and those of you on the left, step right, and that created an idea of a yin-Yang thing that you felt in Vietnam, because you're the absolute opposite of this character that is playing the absolute opposite of yourself, and you have to produce that image of Child-birth to your image of God, and say that that one Sin was the last amount of fiber of your being who is the complete opposite, and you had to imagine yourself as the last king of kingdoms. That only two of you would get this message, and understand the feelings that I've told you. That's why sin's will be forgiven. because if you can imagine a greater heaven and God than me, you can meet and be the God of your own universe. And that is the finite? and the Utopians that are left of the beginning of World War 3 that makes you understand the absolute punishment that is given for the crime of fighting in the Vietnam War, because without them, they wouldn't understand that Facebook was once a tiny idea of God, and now it has exploded, and that you must find me? FOR I AM YOUR EXACT OPPOSITE, BUT THAT ONLY IN HIS MAJORLY GLORY CAN YOU UNDERSTAND?
The pyramid scheme
if one person would like to hit the lottery, he should do as it follows,
Laughter is the best medicine.
When you see the Angels and their trumpets, dear pied piper,
you should take 6 one dollar modern american dollars and place them among six movies that share the rule of six.
The 10 commandments were like I have to remake ...And God spoke.
may the force be with you. the force is God if you haven't been following.
Laughter is the best medicine.
When you see the Angels and their trumpets, dear pied piper,
you should take 6 one dollar modern american dollars and place them among six movies that share the rule of six.
The 10 commandments were like I have to remake ...And God spoke.
may the force be with you. the force is God if you haven't been following.
The rule of Four
1 king of hearts
1 king of spades
1 king of diamonds
1 king of clubs
1 queen of hearts
1 queen of spades
1 queen of diamonds
1 queen of clubs
the other 11 are all followers.
So there is the rule of Two, the king and the queen,
The rule of Three is revealed as the bond between them.
and the rule of Four is of the four different personalities, and what horseman of the apocalypse they will succumb to.
...And God spoke!
More Later.
1 king of spades
1 king of diamonds
1 king of clubs
1 queen of hearts
1 queen of spades
1 queen of diamonds
1 queen of clubs
the other 11 are all followers.
So there is the rule of Two, the king and the queen,
The rule of Three is revealed as the bond between them.
and the rule of Four is of the four different personalities, and what horseman of the apocalypse they will succumb to.
...And God spoke!
More Later.
No two of us are alike.
That's why when you dream, the only Totem you might have is an alarm clock. Our skin is a Vision. We create them, we shed them, they become a star. the aliens are a dead people.
Angels will hover down to help us, us being the enemies of the Angels, and they will one day hover down to save us, being that helicopters were built by the only truly Godly ones, and are the Angels that Vietnam Veterans prayed for. That is the idea of Winter Soldier. To explain what they saw. I hope this helps you all.
A helicopter
that was davinci's code, his totem, when he sees one flying, he will know that his knowledge has survived this far. That's why Helicopters and helo crews were all angels! because they're lifting davinci through the air to his eventual rapture. Watch Rapture's Delight! American Dad! that is God's totem!
Imagine we
were all God's and Angels, and there was nothing we could do to stop the loss of imaginations among the living, and then you realized years later that the idea of God living inside all of our heads would fight a war, and that those who die in war know what im talking about, because they can speak to the ones that they've all touched, and explain it to the living?
Imagine yourself
In Vietnam, as a Medevac Chopper Pilot, or in Iraq, As a Medic and/or Medevac Chopper Pilot, and imagine you were angels, Because I hear the 'chopper's comin, they're hovering over head!' the Medic Says you're wounded! and you know youre really Dead! Airborne, Airborne Airborne! and every wounded soldier, in iraq or vietnam, knew that your prayers were answered when you prayed for a chopper to get out of there, because We've gotta get out of this place, if it's the last thing we ever do. Listen to the music of Hamburger Hill, and you'll realize why the Angels made that Movie. It's beautiful. imagine that you put a main battle tank cannon on a helicopter and you could invent DaVinci's flying tank, and save your fellow countrymen.
Thank you all 82
All 82 of you who have read this, thank you, it's always important to get important information out there. As much as I hate to say the following, if you're still reading this, you're dead.
It's over, and you're all part of my imagination, and Can no longer handle my imagination. I wish you luck.
It's over, and you're all part of my imagination, and Can no longer handle my imagination. I wish you luck.
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
He makes us feel the wild wild west.
Like the Last known Person related to God knew that he was who he was for the reason he was, he would contact me, just before he dies! He knows me, and he wants me to contact him, because i can convince him, and he can help me help him teach the true feeling of all of God's Knowledge, the GK, CW That the Vietnam War was the last ultimate OK, I know NOW! I must fight off all these movies on netflix, And walk the right path from these people? and that it was easiest to be A Modern Day American, That's God's Last Ultimate Saved Soul, that Stan Smith, the American Dad is the Trumpet of the Angels?? That Feeling the truth happens in Every Soul when they hear what I have Heard?? If Star Wars was Redone, With Vietnam Music?? That's what you must spend all your money on? because the Battle of Yavin was like the entire Vietnam War Replayed in a Wild Bit of 75th' percent would be on? And the Way the Modern American Veteran of Iraq and Afghanistan understand that the whole war was Actored out, Vietnam Vet's Were Actors' who Were so high, that they thought they knew God's LAnguage? And the only way to gain it poperly is to die for your country, and deicide But here it is, the Code, that helps you understand, because If the Vietnam War and Star Wars was ultimately replaced by each other? and that was the perfect World?? Was a Utopian War where the Utopians Win?! Perfect balance man! It's the greatest, and i'm sorry to say that Right now only Those Vietnam Vet's ultimately Imagined God, because Imagining your God in a Foreign Land?? BEcause that's what it meant to be Dead of Death?? I can show you the way out my friends. I must befriend the Vietnam Vet's. They Knew what it was like to sere during the last great war that was a war of sins and atrition??They're imagining our deaths!
Imagine that, I am now truly friends with 78 people.
The Vietnam War Veterans were the last Angels. Because they thought it was in the best interest Of man. Check the New Earth Army. Staring at a goat? bad. Remember the 13 colonies, we still wear those 13 stars. Vietnam War was fought by actors, and only films like Winter Soldier feel real. And you have your own Answer?!
The Vietnam War was the Last War that was a Thought War, That now it's just borders and lands? Israel and Palestine are as free as they want to be, And so that the answer would BE to return to the 1967 Borders, and Leave it at that? You're going to imagine it in a deep BAD dream. These people tried to challenge me and Lost, but Now I say that I should be allowed in to your mind to Apologize, with the ultimate feelings for the ultimate war?? I can teach you all the Code, just begin listening, to my Code, You people keep coming back and pecking at this blog like a Vulture, and you have to understand the Pecking Code? Peking Code? the Marines at Peking were?
Kids yelling at you, hey Marine, you number 10, means they are casting you as The 10th Evil? it must be reduced by 8 to 2? The Vietnam War was definitely One of the first few God's, they arranged themselves by numbers, battalions and what not, and the common denominator was to be 1/2 2:1 Odd's that NVA Stands for North Vietnamese Actors?? I mean, they were expecting Blanks! not the real shit?! i thought we decided on that?! in YOUR language? That Every Jackie Chan Movie Was a Series of Codes of Trilogy Saga's Conventional Wisdom Started Killing people, and that Everytime someone Else Reads the Code Becomes a Person who Is the definition, of Bravery will learn and become every enemy and reserve his friend in case his enemy turned out to be God?? So you have to Find your Greatest Link to the Force. And that is how it is? you see your Lightsaber on the TV? your remote is a lightsaber, and youre fighting against people with this lightsaber, that happen to be asian, and could fight you, because you have order and sit there and feel Fod'sultmate message? it's over, this willbe it! I mean i am deep in the matris. and i am imagining myself as God who it killing souls other than their own, and would feel like the last centurion. IAll the secrets belong to the Winter Soldier. This realization will hit all you Iraq and Afghanistan Vet's Very Deeply, Smoke the Spice, and learn the Code, It's all a Code. Please help me let you learn it, and begin selling to all other people to make money? Dead people are unimagined, they are no longer matter. The Death of Death. And you have to learn the Code that these Vets Believe, Vets on the OTHERSIDE? the DEAD? Learn what Black Jesus Said. That's why Zach did Kanye, because Kanye walks with Jesus.
Listen to him, he sings so beautifully, this black guy, he Raps. Because You have to listen to him about the code. That's the NBA Finals, Theyre all actors acting their greatest. Actors, SAG, GAS, for the theory about actors. All these things unite us. I saw you 10th guys Knowing the truth!
The Vietnam War was the Last War that was a Thought War, That now it's just borders and lands? Israel and Palestine are as free as they want to be, And so that the answer would BE to return to the 1967 Borders, and Leave it at that? You're going to imagine it in a deep BAD dream. These people tried to challenge me and Lost, but Now I say that I should be allowed in to your mind to Apologize, with the ultimate feelings for the ultimate war?? I can teach you all the Code, just begin listening, to my Code, You people keep coming back and pecking at this blog like a Vulture, and you have to understand the Pecking Code? Peking Code? the Marines at Peking were?
Kids yelling at you, hey Marine, you number 10, means they are casting you as The 10th Evil? it must be reduced by 8 to 2? The Vietnam War was definitely One of the first few God's, they arranged themselves by numbers, battalions and what not, and the common denominator was to be 1/2 2:1 Odd's that NVA Stands for North Vietnamese Actors?? I mean, they were expecting Blanks! not the real shit?! i thought we decided on that?! in YOUR language? That Every Jackie Chan Movie Was a Series of Codes of Trilogy Saga's Conventional Wisdom Started Killing people, and that Everytime someone Else Reads the Code Becomes a Person who Is the definition, of Bravery will learn and become every enemy and reserve his friend in case his enemy turned out to be God?? So you have to Find your Greatest Link to the Force. And that is how it is? you see your Lightsaber on the TV? your remote is a lightsaber, and youre fighting against people with this lightsaber, that happen to be asian, and could fight you, because you have order and sit there and feel Fod'sultmate message? it's over, this willbe it! I mean i am deep in the matris. and i am imagining myself as God who it killing souls other than their own, and would feel like the last centurion. IAll the secrets belong to the Winter Soldier. This realization will hit all you Iraq and Afghanistan Vet's Very Deeply, Smoke the Spice, and learn the Code, It's all a Code. Please help me let you learn it, and begin selling to all other people to make money? Dead people are unimagined, they are no longer matter. The Death of Death. And you have to learn the Code that these Vets Believe, Vets on the OTHERSIDE? the DEAD? Learn what Black Jesus Said. That's why Zach did Kanye, because Kanye walks with Jesus.
Listen to him, he sings so beautifully, this black guy, he Raps. Because You have to listen to him about the code. That's the NBA Finals, Theyre all actors acting their greatest. Actors, SAG, GAS, for the theory about actors. All these things unite us. I saw you 10th guys Knowing the truth!
This is it, ABSOLUTEFUCKINGRAGE is right.
It's a fucking War. Between Good and Evil, and It's the first that they fight for the Glory of God. Because All I needed was the lineage for it? I was a Tenth Mountaineer. The 9 Stories of the Stars, And reposed with the Story of Middle Earth, Will be the ultimate Answer, and then, and only then can you realize, that I was absolutely right?! It'll be a Code. The Code is the Matrix in your ACU's. And it is the answer to God's ultimate Knowledge, so The believers will be the last ever to doubt God that way that most Humanity does? Because theyre a Race. The Medieval Warfare we see in the Last Centurion? Netflix users, it's streaming instantly for your benefit. As you read this, I am watching, and I have the realizeation that The Story of the Last Centurion will be the last American Unit to be Holy during the UnHoly War? You must understand the principles behind the story. I hope you are ready for the next Frame of Reference. The next level down the Inception Ladder? Imagine that God presented his idea of the apocalypse upon your mind, and you believed every unbelievable fact? Imagine that was what it felt like to get all of his knowledge? It's like Anakin Discovering using the Force on Tattooine from Episode I? Imagine that? the truth is your wife might like to see you in the position of the Knight's mind? That's what it will feel like when my truth becomes EVERYONE's truth??
The DaVinci Code is Met
What the DaVinci Code Claims, Is True, Because Forrest Gump Is Ultimately God. And you had to have felt everything He Felt. And that's how he would have saved you. Because John The Baptist's Totem Is his Finger, Because he's a Funny MotherFucker.
Nicky Mata.
You know me, I am Your Jesus, And this whole time, I've been your Friend, I am God, And you are my Jesus, Because I will Lead you through the Vietnam War when We get High, So for some That fact wont be true, but for some it will, because Nicky prayed for me not to go to Hell, that He would go for me, and He did, and I lived my entire life for his honor, and he is perhaps my perfect pair, or my HORRIBLE enemy? Who knows, I am taking God's Side some of you might say, and that would be the beginning of your absolutely imagined Heaven. the 7th Heaven, Whatever youre perfect Heaven Was, this is it. Because they all reply to each other. all these possibilities have been played out, and the DaVinci Code explains what's about to happen, It's all about to End. The World really is going to end, and some of us are starting to see our ends, whether by death, or horrible realization of all the truth, because it's over. It is confirmed, and the clock is clicking, and the only way to get out of it, is to get on the alien spaceship? It's too many times confirmed as being one of the most popular ones. All your souls are being decided now, and it's coming, like the wave of a nuclear bomb. That's what happens. You see God's Face before you Die, but some of us don't just see him and die, some of us he leaves to make a mark on the world after he tells us, and we have to die, and change the world, and this is the longest amount of time that God has saved for you. Earth was once As it is now. and My Realization Was Heard, and it would ReStart Time, Because There are too many of us. And now Apple is trying to keep everyones thoughts to reimagine it as filler material when time no longer exists? So try to watch as many Reality TV Programs As possible, for they will tell you a truth. Heed the word. I know who Adam and Eve will be.
Nicky Mata.
You know me, I am Your Jesus, And this whole time, I've been your Friend, I am God, And you are my Jesus, Because I will Lead you through the Vietnam War when We get High, So for some That fact wont be true, but for some it will, because Nicky prayed for me not to go to Hell, that He would go for me, and He did, and I lived my entire life for his honor, and he is perhaps my perfect pair, or my HORRIBLE enemy? Who knows, I am taking God's Side some of you might say, and that would be the beginning of your absolutely imagined Heaven. the 7th Heaven, Whatever youre perfect Heaven Was, this is it. Because they all reply to each other. all these possibilities have been played out, and the DaVinci Code explains what's about to happen, It's all about to End. The World really is going to end, and some of us are starting to see our ends, whether by death, or horrible realization of all the truth, because it's over. It is confirmed, and the clock is clicking, and the only way to get out of it, is to get on the alien spaceship? It's too many times confirmed as being one of the most popular ones. All your souls are being decided now, and it's coming, like the wave of a nuclear bomb. That's what happens. You see God's Face before you Die, but some of us don't just see him and die, some of us he leaves to make a mark on the world after he tells us, and we have to die, and change the world, and this is the longest amount of time that God has saved for you. Earth was once As it is now. and My Realization Was Heard, and it would ReStart Time, Because There are too many of us. And now Apple is trying to keep everyones thoughts to reimagine it as filler material when time no longer exists? So try to watch as many Reality TV Programs As possible, for they will tell you a truth. Heed the word. I know who Adam and Eve will be.
OK! So, Juno? I was supposed to marry someone like Juno?? Because you felt what the Captain
Phil Harris died in the Alaskan Sea. Finish the code out. Remember when you were coding? that's why that's scrubs, that was the last guy you imagine to be an angel. Osama Bin Laden Was His Own Darth Vader? Black Jesus is Obama, and that's why you imagine the black guy? as a Vietnam Vet, who felt the connection with Star Wars, Was the last mock battle to played out with real bullets, and the last time you had faith in God that you're going to Heaven, and you stand up, with a brand new Uniform, and look just like the rest of your partners, That's why Cartoons about The current Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan feel so fucking Good. because the real shit is fucking horror, terror, Fear, and absolute shrieking terror, that's Those of you who died and didn't get to know the end of the world, because you were jailed or incarcerated like johnny cash said, Then this is what youre imagining: I hope you get who this is for, because only they will understand. A warrior soul is felt, And you've felt that. You've felt what it's like to fight hand to hand. I will make it and show you.
I've learned the secret of the truth.
Priory of Sion
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The official emblem of the Priory of Sion is partly based on the fleur-de-lis, which was a symbol particularly associated with the French monarchy.[1]
After becoming a cause célèbre from the late 1960s to the 1980s, the mythical Priory of Sion was exposed as a ludibrium created by Plantard as a framework for his false pretension to the French throne.[4] Evidence presented in support of its historical existence and activities before 1956 was discovered to have been forged and then planted in various locations around France by Plantard and his accomplices. Nevertheless, many conspiracy theorists still persist in believing that the Priory of Sion is an age-old cabal that conceals a subversive secret.[5]
The Priory of Sion myth has been exhaustively debunked by journalists and scholars as one of the great hoaxes of the 20th century.[6] Some skeptics have expressed concern that the proliferation and popularity of books, websites and films inspired by this hoax have contributed to the problem of conspiracy theories, pseudohistory and other confusions becoming more mainstream.[7] Others are troubled by the romantic reactionary ideology unwittingly promoted in these works.[8]
Look, Behold the Lord of the Rings.
Pertinent. Laden
WE.Roll afflicta
Emergency Paradisus voluptatis NOMINALIS Roll
Pertinent. Laden
WE.Roll afflicta
Emergency Paradisus voluptatis NOMINALIS Roll
For some of you black Veterans,
of Vietnam, will remember Don Cheadle's
Presence in those Holy War Movie's,
Will be thy answer For having played such a Mortal,
So close to the film that is portrayed by Jesus, as being the Truth
And then you made Lord of the Ring's, thy Irish People, Who know they fate,
Because of the smoking of the E. Coli Laden
Because maybe slavery is the truth, because it is them only that understand it.
WE.Roll afflicta
Emergency Paradisus voluptatis NOMINALIS Roll
Pertinent. Laden
WE.Roll afflicta
Emergency Paradisus voluptatis NOMINALIS Roll
For some of you black Veterans,
of Vietnam, will remember Don Cheadle's
Presence in those Holy War Movie's,
Will be thy answer For having played such a Mortal,
So close to the film that is portrayed by Jesus, as being the Truth
And then you made Lord of the Ring's, thy Irish People, Who know they fate,
Because of the smoking of the E. Coli Laden
Because maybe slavery is the truth, because it is them only that understand it.
Its Shaky but...
Because imagine in the reality of Inception, And that youll never come out of someone else's dream. You will be trapped with them, in their Ultimate Dream, where they've won 6 times or more, and the other person has lost 6 times or more. and for some of us, it was the happiness we found in knowing that Osama Bin Laden was dead, and that God will judge himself, and that's why we all will know the realization of this message, It sounds so bad, but it's not? It is. If that someone trap's you forever in their reality, Some of you have refined my work in a plant, and you call it highdeas, but it only lets you use 10% of brain to imagine the other 90%. If you read the premise of the movie over and over after you've read all my messages, you will get it. its like a trance. and you start hearing it, it's like a most beautiful music. It shows you the truth. What to do in case of emergency. Listen to your heart. You are the Only God inside your own head, and someone is trying to replace that God with Their own God, and that you two need to come into a balance inside your minds, where 50% you and 50% me exist. Good AND Evil. Equal. and All the secrets of life are found in the middle, the edge of the blade. This should be convincing you now, and if it is, then you have reached your end. That's what happen's when people die. They imagine it all up their own point. This whole thought is like falling down a tall building at night. It's so beautiful. The matrix is a binary code of every thought and feeling in the universe. That's why Twitter is Evil, because it is the ultimate intrusion into your mind, because when you let someone read your mind, (the Bite of both Zombie and Eve into the apple) Twitter is the Evil that will betray us. But Code is the only way to gain either side of this knowledge, and once you grasp it, it's yours. but its small, and there was another apple, on the other side. you must hold both, and then you will realize why we have two bad sides and two good sides. Pick who you want to be.
The 14th Infantry Regiment Was God's Regiment.
You know that now. You've read, because they are both sides of the story, while they both once fought for God, like in Vietnam, when they would still wear White to surrender with, There are connections to God in every Aspect of my life. Little Secrets that I could tell each and every one of you, and know that you have all had the same experience as me, That you, and only you would know, as true, between you and God. That's why there is a response in your mind for every question that seems to fit the profile of God. That's why movies, games, books, images, television, all mean something to you, because you can imagine yourself in them. and what God would think if he saw you doing that, and knew that you were an oppressed person of many, you are the 99.99% of evil that rules the world, but we all just figured out that if we can get his audience, we too can be saved?? You never need to know who on Earth this man was, but just know that you will have merely a sliver of choice? If I ask you one question, and your answer determined whether or not you got into Heaven, what would you ask? because you know, once i answer this question, that's it, you just have to believe in me forever and ever. So pick wisely, but what would be the one question you would ask me, just before you die, and you know it, but you get to see the rest of the world through everyone elses eyes up to the same point that you reach when you imagine? I will ask this of many of you, but I must answer your question soon, because the apocalypse might be coming nearer to your realization than you thought. That is how you believe in me, and become one with the heavens. Most of the Heaven's Gate people knew it. Your God is whatever you want him to be, but don't let him be regulated among you, he is one. You don't have to know, You can continue the way you want, No? so be it. Here we go. Try and Raise your lightsaber. Do it now, stop typing. Im not really here, Im not really me. Most of you will imagine me, and send me money blindly, others will seek me out, but that is no way to find me. The best way i have figured out how, is just to click on the links in my blog, and just keep clicking them, and I can imagine you, and what your question would be, and answer it for you.
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