Use it, Because THAT is God, I have finally imagined the final image of God, and when people hear about it, theyll panic, start a World War 3, think that Dystopianism is the future, and that a battle between Good and Evil will ensue over whether or not this is the End, And good will win, because there is a God, and if I spread his word, Spread his final message, he would let me into heaven, so he's giving me all these ways to reach the people of the world, and tell them all that if I know them, personally, I will vouch for them personally, and there are some Good christians out there, who spread the Good message of peace and harmony, the thought that they must leave their mark on the world? that is what has caused War's forever. for it is the victor who writes history, and it is Iraq and Afghanistan vet's who have visited with God, and that If i connect with them, I will know who God will choose, Because there are so many sides to every arguement, and disagreement, that most people who will imagine me will know what it feels like to have fought in the vietnam war, meet a black jesus, and the closer it is to your own reality, that's what God will feel like, because The Jedi have private conversations with people, to find out if the midichlorians of God are actually in them, because we were the very center of productivity at the Death Star. You have to imagine yourself so many different ways when you're being raptured, from everyone's point of view.
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