Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Smitty, you know it's something. We both have lived for one side or the other of the great Dystopian Future that Im telling you about, that i've seen. I'm telling you this is prophecy because it begins and ends with the same exact thought. and worldwise, everyone eill know it, and belief is all GOd asked for. Because honestly, right now, the Marine Corps is like the best way to feel it. Begin Enlisting, they are the true First to the Fight. And that dystopia is knowing that you are in a cardboard building, that is separated into Cardboard boring bull shit file holders. And that it, YEAH. For some of us it would feel good to be John Candy. Because We dont surrender anymore. I don't think you understand, the Vietnam war was the last war that was fought at all at any point To feature American's wearing White underwear of anykind. because that significance of knowing that you have that much honor to still believe that you can surrender and live, rather than begin killing yourself because there is no answer. I've been judged by General Ray Odierno.

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