Saturday, June 4, 2011

Long overdue post.

Today is Tuesday as I write this.

If you’ve been paying attention to the news, you will notice a few things, and if you’re like me, you noticed some of the signs. The big story today being that radiation from cellphones causes cancer in humans according to the World Health Organization.

This is in line with my theory of there being a major catastrophic event that affects a very large majority of the world’s population, that may be a cause for all of us to submit to some form of control device disguised as an immunization of some sort.

The past 5 days have been rather different for me, the most notable being my emergency room visit. My experimentation with drugs almost ended in tragedy. And while I maintain that God has outlined the future in my head while using drugs, I feel he asked me to end my experimentation by temporarily blinding me, and explaining to me that if I don’t, I will face great adversity. I feel fortunate to be given a second chance at life,  and I believe he has given me this chance so that I can move forward and carry on with His message, and prepare for the ultimate battle to come. I think yesterday he pointed me in the right direction.

His message was this:

Muslims and Christians must unite. At a time in the world that will see a major development in the still unwritten history of humanity, Satan has known the entire time that Jesus and his Islamic equivalent, the Mahdi,  will return and unite to fight Satan and his forces of evil. He has used this fact against us in the past 20 years. Osama bin Laden may have been a link between Jesus and the Mahdi, and Satan absolutely drove a wedge between Christians and Muslims. However, it should be noted that in the future, the idea of a difference between people and the label of ‘christian’ and ‘muslim’ won’t exist, and the only difference people between people will be the way they speak, walk, look, and generally conduct themselves.

God has also shown me his original plans for the world. He never intended for there to be major governments full of people whose only occupation is to tell others what to do, how to act, and he never intended for there to be a ‘religion.’ Only a God, and a faith. That’s all any of us had to do to ‘get into heaven’ as it is. We didn’t have to prove our faith to anyone. However, we have created this world of untrustworthiness, and there is only one way out of it, and that is to begin believing in God, whether he be the Christian almighty God, the Muslim Allah, Zeus, or Yahweh, God goes by many names, but it doesn’t matter to him, as long as you don’t deny him when the time comes. And the time will come.

All God ever wanted the world to become was a set of families, he created Adam and Eve to fill the world with their descendants. Families and tribes were to be the only inhabitants, not nations and religions. The control of your fellow man is an abomination.

So it is cause for concern that in the last 5 days the senate has voted to extend certain parts of the Patriot Act, which only means one thing, a continuation of the denial of free will. And if the ‘free’est country in the world continues to rob its people of freedom and free will, then Satan is still winning.

World War 3, the ultimate fight between Good and Evil will also be a very spiritual event for many people. It will be a cleansing of sorts.

I will continue to research, and make connections, and try and uncover Satan’s plan. I am doing this not just because God has asked me to, but because I think anyone, any human, in my situation, would do the same, and attempt to save humanity because I believe in the goodness within all of us. I’ve searched the internet far and wide, and have found some people have had similar experiences whether it be messages from God, or it be the propagation of the idea that God is real and Satan is just as real and that my theory is just as much a reality as these words that you read.

I know I cannot do it on my own, so I will be searching for researchers willing to help me that only have the best interests of humanity at hand. I’ve also considered starting a ‘secret society’ in order to keep God’s message pure and as original as possible. Though we might be some 230 years behind the illuminati, studying their practices and deceitful tactics will be our advantage, and replacing all of their influences with our own and bring the world back into God’s favor.

As I was typing this, my televisions signal went out, and the tv turned itself to channel 9, I supposed I should research that, and I am looking into it as I type.
9 in binary is 1001. So I recalled the 1001 arabian nights, which is a collection of stories from the Islamic golden age. I will meditate on this.

More later…

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