Tuesday, May 24, 2011

It's becoming clearer.

ill try and make connections. the Chinese will go to war with us. They will be the first to launch a nuclear attack. they might be allied with the North Koreans. The aftershock of the first few days of war will result in world war 3, fought in the style of vietnam, all old equipment, because we wont be able to mass produce the amount of weapons were gonna need. technology wont be able to keep up. The Chinese will be the Evil side, and the Americans will be the Good side. North Korea has secretly been supported by the Chinese. The Current Pope will not be bought out, and he will be assassinated. The next pope will dismantle the roman catholic church. The NWO will try and pull the rug out from under us.

New World Order/New Secular Order: Absolute Government/Absolute Religion. Capitalism was God's vision for a perfect world. But it has been corrupted by "free enterprise"

The people of God, the Muslims and the Christians, Jews and Russians, will all have to unite to keep their idea of God alive. God has given you free will up until now.

The next pope will defeat the Catholic religion, and pave the way for atheism to control the masses. The Bible is a Control Device, put it down. That is the way he controls the masses.

Imagine all your beliefs rolled into one, and used as a form of Control. Hitler tried to do it, and the "NWO" stopped him. God didn't intend for their to be so much power in one Unit.

God is testing all of us to believe that this is the Apocalypse. We've pissed him off by betraying bin Laden. We should show God that we have compassion for bin Laden's people. We've all been lied to, and this is his apocalyptic message.

Someone will read this, and they will raise the alarm for concern.

Apple will deliver the message.

The Chinese will start the war.

The Vietnam War will be similar to World War 3

Atheism will replace God.

The New World Order will envelop all world governments. big and small.

The war will be fought between Good and Evil.

The New World Order is a Bad Religion.

These are the New Dark Ages. And I Hope youre living right.

We will replay out the Vietnam War, the only difference being that we must Defeat the enemy this time.

Muslims will ally themselves with christians. Jesus and, Mahdi, alongside Jesus, will rid the world of wrongdoing, injustice and tyranny. [3]  

The Wrongdoing being the NWO and NSO.

Read wikipedia, it has all the answers. It should be the new bible.

Apple is attempting to control the world. Along with certain elements of the American Government, the Roman Catholic Church, and Atheists.

Atheism will be regarded as the widely accepted religion.

The war between Good and Evil will be an unpopular war to the Good side. Imagine yourself as a Vietnam Vet.

The way the people at home discouraged them, but they still faced the enemy. The 'vietnamese' or 'vietcong' or 'the enemy' will try and entice soldiers to desert, to give up fighting. Elements of the American Government have slowly turned the American Army into a weak and useless force unable to fight a war against anything, so they must ally themselves with Muslims to preserve Good. Everything thats happened in the 20th Century was the NWO's doing. They have attempted to write our history. But God tells us that History is our own. You must support a free, open, honest bible. The wikipedia pages.

This blog is a sign of the apocalypse. God is asking you to stop the NWO. He will be angered at the thought that he is obsolete. No one will be exempt from the war. The NWO will try and emplace itself by proclaiming peace and a Godless world in which we all unite as one for global domination, an all for one, and one for all ideology. God's perfect world is a world where everyone is happy, lives in perfect harmony, smokes marijuana and is ok with homosexuality. The bible is being used to betray the world. Osama Bin Laden had some good ideas, and he could have been mahdi, but the NWO Killed him on the premise that he was an evil man. He didnt commit the 9/11 atrocities, like he said, but someone in the NWO paid him in the promise that when the NWO takes over that he would be a key figure. But he had a religious vision and he knew the NWO was bad, and that the Arab Spring would be bad for the NWO. He began making tapes saying so, so his end of the deal was terminated. His life, taken.

The Chinese general that says he cannot fight the US also had sympathy for Osama, and in the conspiracy, a looming nuclear war with the chinese will be unpopular, it will be a chance for the NWO to take over some of the last true bastions of Good.

Read the Georgia Stones, the NWO will make this their focal point. CNN wont report what im writing, because Ted Turner put the georgia stones where they are. Georgia Guidestones are the NWO's rules for when they take over the world.

It's time for all peoples to unite. to Fight for god, and not for islam, or christianity, or America or Al-qaeda. We will learn to live with each other for the Glory of God and unite to defeat the NWO.

The NWO is Satan's tool.

God only ever asked one thing of us, and that is to believe in him. In a war between good and evil, all who believe in him will have to unite against those of us who dont.

In a war between Apple and Microsoft, most people will want to accept apple, and microsoft will fold and be sold to apple, creating a large conglomerate corporation with access to all of our electronic devices.

all these devices will be made in china, and the control devices will be installed there as well, and sent out to the masses.

These are God's demands:

Remain free of the bonds of man. Prosper and Grow, return to your family, and appreciate life.

the purpose of life is being completely dismantled, happiness will be outlawed, and God cannot allow that to happen.

God is challenging us to believe in him, so the world may or may not end, so the idea that one cannot predict the end is true.

God intended the Bible to be spiritual guidance, not the control tool that the Vatican uses to control the ones that seek faith. The ones that seek faith are misguided.

God wants us to fight to prove to him our love for him. God is Happiness and Freedom.

God isn't the scary omnipotent person we all think he is, He is a kinda gentle person who accepts all who accept him. If God lived among us, he would be the lovable person known as Zach Galifianakis.

God is just and fair, and you will have to ally with your worst enemy to fight the devil and his NWO/NSO

Atheism is the denial of the existence of God. An atheist will be the AntiChrist, and there will be a 'Jesus' to help us fight him. Just like Mahdi will redeem all muslim peoples.

The Final Battle between Good and Evil will not be unlike anything seen in Vietnam War Films.

There are two options here:



they both promise peace, unity, prosperity.

But only God promises Freedom and Happiness.

That is what we must fight for.

That is why America was established, the control of the NWO was too aggressive in Europe with the Roman Catholic church being just one of the ultimate control organizations, colonists escaped the rule of Satan and the NWO, and established us here, but now we face internal corruption from an ultimate NWO power.

Why was Smedley Butler asked to overthrow the government by bankers? theyve been trying to find a means to install their form of government and control.

We need to reveal all of our secrets now.

This is the ultimate war between good and evil, jedi and sith.

Satan once dangled fruit, an apple in front of us, and we took the bait. That is how the Roman Catholic religion came to be, religion is not God's way.

Satan once again dangles fruit in front of us, but this time its an actual brand, Apple, something you can subscribe to, and you can be assured that it is the path of evil.

Kanye west once described in his song that Jesus Walks with him, 'turning atheists into believers' He will help me defeat the atheists once and for all.

God's free will to us is a gift, not a curse, as the atheists will try and make us believe.

If you are willing to give up free will, you are willing to give yourself up to Satan.

There are global implications here, and Obama might not be the AntiChrist, but merely a pawn in the AntiChrists game.

Here is how you should envision it:

Visioneers is a sign from God of the horrors to come. the NWO/NSO is the jeffers corporation, you can think of mr. jeffers as either obama or steve jobs, the antichrist, and he is promoting a unified conglomerate corporation, which is actually run by an old man, as you find out towards the end of the movie, God(zach G) plays the part of a person who has lost his way, and as people look for happiness, they start to explode, because of a control device installed in them that is exploded when they stray from the path the evil jeffers corporation has laid before them. the Jeffers corporation is the NWO. Zach(God) is the best way to deal with having bought into the NWO and trying to get out, its part of his message. Zach may or may not know that he is God. a Magnanimous figure that everyone can understand and feel.

People of the world must set their differences aside, race, history, religion, it all has to be put aside to fight Satan. for American Soldiers, their test before God will be if they can fight alongside former foes against satan, if he sees that, then he might be see reason to save us all.

here is my predictions:

No religion or nation will survive this apocalyptic time. God is the path to good and righteousness.

the New World Order/ New Secular Order will be the Army of Satan, and God is giving me this message.

I never smoked drugs until after I got out of the army, but he has given me insight into my life that only he can give. all my time in the army was his sign to me, when i attempted suicide, it was his test. the last time someone almost took over the world with a 'NWO' type doctrine was communism, communism almost replaced God, thats why we fought communism, the US Army has become a communist organization, and it chews up and spits out those who do not subscribe to the Army's communist agenda. People who fight in the army know that killing muslims is wrong, that muslims are our friends, and we will not, and they will not have control over us. you must not control anyone. you cannot rob another person of God's gift of free will. That is why the army has a big problem with mental health, because the internal conflict in soldiers is absolutely tearing them apart. how do you believe in god and subscribe to the evil communists agenda and fight those that we will ultimately have to ally with.

Someone may come for me, they may try and silence me. but i speak the truth.

Anti-abortionists are NWO enthusiasts that want to find the best of the best of humans to create a superior ultra race. God does not like that.

Someone has to hear me and begin broadcasting this message.

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