I’ve spent my time in life going through a revolving door. In one problem, out of another, I buy my way into having issues, and I cannot, could not, escape. Productive society teaches us to love another, hold doors open for people, and buy stuff you don’t need. I bought in for a while, and it made me feel good. But I think this is it, time is up.
I feel like maybe God is telling me to write this, to tell the rest of the world. The most widely accepted views of God are through religions. Though some might say that they do not subscribe to a religion, that they would not have a narrow-minded view of God and the universe, others say that science will ultimately prove that the world wasn’t created by an all-knowing entity. No one has an answer. Perhaps it’s time to rethink it all. What if tomorrow the world DID begin to end? What would you think then? What if a Rapture, not of Christians, but people selected by this “God” ascended to some form of paradise? I’ve given it thought, and have formulated my own opinion of what God would want us to do. We all have free will, it’s an inalienable right. Right?
I’ve only read certain parts of the Bible, sentences mostly, and through others experience with the book, I’ve learned this: Don’t read the Bible. Reach out to God on your own merits, and your own beliefs. Remember that God told Adam and Eve NOT to eat the apple? The snake told Eve to eat it, making us all sinners in His eyes. So, what kind of conclusion can I come to from all of this?
“Next time Grandma asks why you're going to the mall on Sunday morning instead of church, tell her you're going to Apple Chapel.”
The story goes on to say this:
“In speeches, Pope Benedict XVI has said technology consumption poses a threat to religion and the Roman Catholic church. The holy leader told a Palm Sunday crowd last month that technology cannot replace God.”
This is my theory, a philosophy with no Earthly figure or deity.
The Apple brand will grow, and it will become an ultimate religion. We will all be tempted by its apparent ease of use and popularity. The apple is indicative of original sin. One might liken Steve Jobs of Apple to the AntiChrist, who is said to be a charismatic figure, perhaps he has sold his soul to Satan, and in return Satan has tasked him to make an incredibly popular brand by which an eternal damnation can be delivered.
Perhaps this is God’s revelation to us this May 22nd. That he is giving all of us another chance to populate the Earth, and not heaven, without original sin. Could the Apple religion be the religion of the eternally damned? What will become of the other religions?
Other religions will NOT be judged. They will all unite under one banner to form God’s Army to defeat evil. Evil, of course being all that we perceive as evil, such as the aforementioned Apple brand, will be defeated. Evil has most recently taken the form of religious extremism. God has become very displeased with the actions taken in His name. (see September 11th)
Furthermore, we will need the help of God Himself. There is said to be a Second Coming of Christ. In fact, Christ will remain hidden for the time being, and his powers sought out only after He is needed. He is present, and may walk among us right now.
Let’s get back to that Apple thing. Who would bite the Apple? Women. This is not to say women are evil, or should be oppressed, but they are the enablers that would allow evil to penetrate you. Muslims have the right idea, and as the Arab Spring continues to evolve, and the evilest of Muslims are dealt with, God will exempt them from service in His name. They will be protected by the Army of Supreme Justice. The American Armed Forces. Perhaps the Knights Templar is somehow embedded in the Army of Supreme Justice. We build monuments to our warriors, honoring them, and giving warriors past present and future a place and chance to rediscover themselves. The Army stands poised to accomplish such a mission.
Our time is that of a new crusade, a call to arms from God Himself. We are to not only fight the evil within, but the evil that takes physical shape and form.
Many questions are being answered. The last of the untrue Muslim’s have been dealt with. Osama Bin Laden knew of his fate continuing down the path he walked. He learned to begin supporting the Arab Spring, that it would be his only salvation, unfortunately, it was too late, and in his final moments, pleaded for his life. He was executed.
Now the American President has called for a return to the Israeli states borders of 1967. Perhaps this is a chance for the Jewish community to stop their oppression of Muslims. Any revelations from common people would be found as an affront to God. The believers of God would immediately dismiss this and any statement of revelation as a work of fiction. They are correct in believing so, but they must connect the dots in their own minds. Just as God’s gift to humanity, free will would lead us to believe. But those attempting to disrupt and silence the truth will be found guilty of contempt. The Vatican has become a corrupt institution, and has completely invalidated the legitimacy of the Catholic church. They have become not unlike a secret society meant to shroud the truth from the public.
The truth is this:
Muslim extremists do not die for the same reasons they once did. They die for God’s glory. Apple is a brand of evil, that the evil will subscribe to, and Facebook is God’s personal directory. Jesus is yet to be revealed, but he is out there somewhere. You should believe the hype, but don’t believe the dates. No one knows. All we can know, is that it will happen. This is the revelation. The thought that God might not exist is now an extinct theory. He exists, and is asking all of us to fight for Him. He is connecting the dots in your head. You will never seek the author, but seek the truth. This is a revelation, the end is not near, but here. We’re living in a new dark ages. I pray that you will live right. The 7 Year Battle is upon us, and God has donned his armor. Read the news, its His way of captivating our attention. Seek the signs, for they will guide you. This will be the end, and this will be our new bible. We may have just found the first of the Seven Seals.
Seven Seals. Seven Truths. Seven Paths. Seven Men.
God told 7 men his vision of the world, and over the last billions of years, allowed them all to create their own versions. The one God accepts will be His select. The Four horsemen will ride from North, West, South, and East. They will meet upon the battlegrounds, and the battle will ensue. War.
I feel like maybe God is telling me to write this, to tell the rest of the world. The most widely accepted views of God are through religions. Though some might say that they do not subscribe to a religion, that they would not have a narrow-minded view of God and the universe, others say that science will ultimately prove that the world wasn’t created by an all-knowing entity. No one has an answer. Perhaps it’s time to rethink it all. What if tomorrow the world DID begin to end? What would you think then? What if a Rapture, not of Christians, but people selected by this “God” ascended to some form of paradise? I’ve given it thought, and have formulated my own opinion of what God would want us to do. We all have free will, it’s an inalienable right. Right?
I’ve only read certain parts of the Bible, sentences mostly, and through others experience with the book, I’ve learned this: Don’t read the Bible. Reach out to God on your own merits, and your own beliefs. Remember that God told Adam and Eve NOT to eat the apple? The snake told Eve to eat it, making us all sinners in His eyes. So, what kind of conclusion can I come to from all of this?
“Next time Grandma asks why you're going to the mall on Sunday morning instead of church, tell her you're going to Apple Chapel.”
The story goes on to say this:
“In speeches, Pope Benedict XVI has said technology consumption poses a threat to religion and the Roman Catholic church. The holy leader told a Palm Sunday crowd last month that technology cannot replace God.”
This is my theory, a philosophy with no Earthly figure or deity.
The Apple brand will grow, and it will become an ultimate religion. We will all be tempted by its apparent ease of use and popularity. The apple is indicative of original sin. One might liken Steve Jobs of Apple to the AntiChrist, who is said to be a charismatic figure, perhaps he has sold his soul to Satan, and in return Satan has tasked him to make an incredibly popular brand by which an eternal damnation can be delivered.
Perhaps this is God’s revelation to us this May 22nd. That he is giving all of us another chance to populate the Earth, and not heaven, without original sin. Could the Apple religion be the religion of the eternally damned? What will become of the other religions?
Other religions will NOT be judged. They will all unite under one banner to form God’s Army to defeat evil. Evil, of course being all that we perceive as evil, such as the aforementioned Apple brand, will be defeated. Evil has most recently taken the form of religious extremism. God has become very displeased with the actions taken in His name. (see September 11th)
Furthermore, we will need the help of God Himself. There is said to be a Second Coming of Christ. In fact, Christ will remain hidden for the time being, and his powers sought out only after He is needed. He is present, and may walk among us right now.
Let’s get back to that Apple thing. Who would bite the Apple? Women. This is not to say women are evil, or should be oppressed, but they are the enablers that would allow evil to penetrate you. Muslims have the right idea, and as the Arab Spring continues to evolve, and the evilest of Muslims are dealt with, God will exempt them from service in His name. They will be protected by the Army of Supreme Justice. The American Armed Forces. Perhaps the Knights Templar is somehow embedded in the Army of Supreme Justice. We build monuments to our warriors, honoring them, and giving warriors past present and future a place and chance to rediscover themselves. The Army stands poised to accomplish such a mission.
Our time is that of a new crusade, a call to arms from God Himself. We are to not only fight the evil within, but the evil that takes physical shape and form.
Many questions are being answered. The last of the untrue Muslim’s have been dealt with. Osama Bin Laden knew of his fate continuing down the path he walked. He learned to begin supporting the Arab Spring, that it would be his only salvation, unfortunately, it was too late, and in his final moments, pleaded for his life. He was executed.
Now the American President has called for a return to the Israeli states borders of 1967. Perhaps this is a chance for the Jewish community to stop their oppression of Muslims. Any revelations from common people would be found as an affront to God. The believers of God would immediately dismiss this and any statement of revelation as a work of fiction. They are correct in believing so, but they must connect the dots in their own minds. Just as God’s gift to humanity, free will would lead us to believe. But those attempting to disrupt and silence the truth will be found guilty of contempt. The Vatican has become a corrupt institution, and has completely invalidated the legitimacy of the Catholic church. They have become not unlike a secret society meant to shroud the truth from the public.
The truth is this:
Muslim extremists do not die for the same reasons they once did. They die for God’s glory. Apple is a brand of evil, that the evil will subscribe to, and Facebook is God’s personal directory. Jesus is yet to be revealed, but he is out there somewhere. You should believe the hype, but don’t believe the dates. No one knows. All we can know, is that it will happen. This is the revelation. The thought that God might not exist is now an extinct theory. He exists, and is asking all of us to fight for Him. He is connecting the dots in your head. You will never seek the author, but seek the truth. This is a revelation, the end is not near, but here. We’re living in a new dark ages. I pray that you will live right. The 7 Year Battle is upon us, and God has donned his armor. Read the news, its His way of captivating our attention. Seek the signs, for they will guide you. This will be the end, and this will be our new bible. We may have just found the first of the Seven Seals.
Seven Seals. Seven Truths. Seven Paths. Seven Men.
God told 7 men his vision of the world, and over the last billions of years, allowed them all to create their own versions. The one God accepts will be His select. The Four horsemen will ride from North, West, South, and East. They will meet upon the battlegrounds, and the battle will ensue. War.
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