I feel the need to organize myself, my thoughts, my goals, and maybe people would be able to understand me more. I think it should be said that i have nothing to hide, i have nothing to gain from all of this besides God's respect and acceptance. That's all we all could expect from Him. The future is still unwritten, and we need to do what we can to stop this dystopian future from becoming a reality.
Humanity cannot replace God. Those who try to will be subject to his wrath.
I foresee those of us who follow God and not the Church, those of us who believe in God's wisdom and not in the twisted stories that religious texts make us follow, fighting against the people who try to deny his existence, fighting against those that wish to enslave the free will having God loving people of Earth.
I understand that when my 'vision' becomes truth, people will begin asking questions, and my security will be threatened, and while some people may have good intentions, the fact is that people will try and exploit my information for dishonorable purposes.
Some of the training I've been through includes operational security, or how to shut the fuck up classes.
Basically, our enemies will listen, and try to connect the dots and figure out our next move, or some form of intelligence about us. But, counterintelligence is a deception tactic, and it's also the monitoring of your enemy and gleaming information from all of that. In case of war, the battle lines will be hazy, and most of us might be confused as to what side to back.
I cannot give people guidance. They have to find it themselves. I should compile a list of things I find suspect.
1. Georgia Guidestones
A. Ted Turner and CNN for their support of such a 'Guidestone'
2. China
A. The Army, the generals, and their intelligence agency
3. Apple
A. Steve Jobs and his charismatic personality
4. Atheism
A. The ease of belief that they enjoy, it's hard to believe in a God, easy to not believe
5. New World Order/New Secular Order
A. Any attempt to control, enslave, or make government and religion a single authoritative entity.
6. People who don't believe me
A. While it is hard to believe me, those that do have a small bit of God's light shining in them, figuratively. And those who don't believe will eventually have to choose a side. So they cannot be trusted until they do.
7. Figures of authority
A. Perhaps people like police officers, and other service related figures of authority dont know the evil about to be perpetrated in their name, but all leaders have to have some role in a dystopian future. Check out the story of the emperor in star wars, everything from his time as a senator of naboo, to when he dissolved the senate and created the 'first galactic empire'
8. Heads of State
A. Heads of state will relinquish power to the NWO, and they will be painted as heroes and patriots, when in all actuality they will have been bought out.
9. North Korea
A. This country might be a catalyst, and also a patsy, either way, they are not to be trusted at all.
10. Patriot Act and similar legislation
A. the erosion of individual rights and freedoms in the 'free'est country in the world should be a major concern for EVERYONE. This is where the Fox news thought, and support of the republican party might be key. I still have yet to figure out if Fox news is for us or against us, but only time and research can bring the truth
11. Nanotechnology
A. This type of small microscopic technology 'can and will be used against us' (heard that before?) and there is no way to know if you've been injected with it, and no way to know what anyones intentions will be when they have total control of our bodies.
12. Religious zealots
A. Zealotry is not the way of God. Period. Religious zealotry begins with a simple belief, and it snowballs into a life of hopeless devotion to religion. Do not become any kind of religious zealot. God does not recognize the zealots.
Remember, TV is a distraction, the media wont report things, popular culture is the set of keys dangled in front of a babies face, Satan is behind the NWO, and secret organizations will soon realize all that they have worked for is about to come to fruition. remember, EVERY secret organization.
We are the Rebels. They are the Empire.
Most of the story is the same, but the only difference is that instead of the Jedi and the Sith, it's God and Satan.
We all need to start surviving. This message that I put out should be the catalyst for all of us to set aside our differences, arm ourselves, train, survive, fight, resist.
If the NWO is Satan's calling of the masses, then I am the message of God to unite and begin fighting.
A word from God:
God is blind to the difference between homosexuality and heterosexuality. That is His free will at work. God urges you to seek ultimate happiness. If medications, drugs and other chemicals are the path to happiness, then only Satanic forces would regulate and take away such keys to happiness. God is the only advocate of freedom, peace, and love. God would never set rules before you to live by, religion would though. God wont judge us, he will judge those of us that try and ultimately control the globe.
Has anyone seen A Clockwork Orange? The ludovico treatment? that's what they will do to us, if we break the laws, but the laws will be so strict that we will all be guilty of a crime. the ludovico treatment will involve technology and programming written by apple, novus biologicals, and nanotechnology, and ultimately, after the treatment, any disobedience and the device implanted in you will explode. I've found the link to the RFID discovery in our money.
I wish you all realize what is going on. I hope my message reaches all of you in time...
more later...
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