I told myself, I owed you this, so tonight, right now, im smoking something again, and im gonna give you what i have written so far.
I want you guys to seriously read what im about to tell you
Ok. So. God is telling me this, this New World Order, is absolutely true. And Apple is the first step into it. God never intended for their to be so much power in one unit of devotion, no matter if it were government or religion. Osama bin Laden was looking for the ultimate path to righteousness in the eyes of god, and he was the last one, ever to try. And his death opportunized both the last installment of the New World Order, and the beginning of the war between good and evil, good being the natural peace of land, families spreading to less urbanized environments, and reestablishing tribes, it gives satan
God is talking to me, and he wants you to listen. Let me tell you, about the new world order, the bible is fake, and as blasphemous as that sounds, that's the secret the new world order and the vatican, and countless other secret societies know. Apple is going to become the ultimate end all, be all satan. Im bot kidding, I was atheist just a few days ago, and he's telling me that there will be a war, I've been studying the zach galifiankis movie, visioneer. God tells me this: the NWO is the devil. And apple will continue releasing gadgets that will track us all. Bin ladens death paves the way for the initiation of such a system of control. God wants us to remember the way the bible described life. Small states, independent of one another, and the NWO negates that. Apple will help, and the vatican will help as well. Steve jobs is the antichrist, the bible is bullshit, he sent me to deliver the May 21st message, this is the apocalypse, and war will ensue. God is mad that you killed bin laden, though he was misguided, and all religions are to be dismantled, peoples faith replaced in them. That is how god judges us, one by one, not by religion. If he had to choose one, however, it would be the muslims, its only coincidence, that our army is poised to protect them, he urges all muslims to join up with the americans and fight the true evil muslims like ahmadinejad, and gadhafi. The american army should not be used for evil like the proliferation of the NWO, watch visioneers. Its a message from god, and I realized,it all. This is serious shit, connect the dots in your head.this is all the truth. Religion was created to control people, so were governments, god never intended for there to be so much control in one unit. He didn't like rreligions and big governments, you have to understand me. Someone does. Zach galifianakis is god. He is completely magnanimous and his movie visioneers is a sign. My epiphany is gods may 21 message.atheism will lead to the NWO. There's only supposed to be
Thats everything i wrote earlier, before i couldnt continue. So, World War 3 will be like the Vietnam War in that we wont be able to build enough of the high end technological defense weapons, that we have right now, to fight off the NWO. Let me recap.
New World Order, US Government, were gonna have to start training with CS Gas again. God's challenge is this, he wont tell you whether or not the world will end, but there will be something different at the end of apocalypse, the end of armaggedon, itll just be the end of the world as we all know it. We only have one more pope after the one we have now.
Atheism is going to be the religion of the New World Order. Try February 11th.
The Vatican will cede all power of the Catholic realm to Apple and they will be the deliverers of the Atheism Message. Steve Jobs may or may not be the AntiChrist. that title may be held for Obama, because he will lead us astray, down a terrible path. We must all resist the New World Order. God was not a religion, God is not a government, God is God, and Religion is Religion. just like Government is Government, of those three, God must prevail. Religion and Government is control. God is not control, thats why we have free will, but now he asks of you if you will fight for him, against the NWO that is to be established by the Atheists in the minds of Apple lovers.
Please watch Visioneers, check zachgalifianakis.com why is he painted as god?? Because he is God. Yahweh, the King of Kings, He is God in his movie. someone must listen to me. but who will it be? It will be a firesale when this becomes popular thought, for this is his revelation. this is all real, not fake. this is not the bible, but information that you must know, that you will be fooled by your fellow man into being controlled completely.
American Bill of Rights is now more of a set of conditions to live in its borders, and less a privilege. People must wake up. This is the truth, we all live in our own little worlds, and we must now unite. the new world order once helped stop Hitler, because he was a threat to their plans. but it worked in their favor. God is no longer supporting the insanity done in his name, and you must believe in him blindly. not through the help of a church or government. learn more by asking me questions. I speak the truth. now help me spread it. remember, God is here.
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