Tuesday, June 7, 2011

I hope youre still reading, because im going to frame it for you again..

here it is: Imagine yourself as a Rebel, in the Alliance. Fighting the empire. Which side would you be in every war? If the Rebels were the utopians, and the Empire were the dystopians, and you know that in every conflict inside of man, to every galactic struggle, there is only a utopian and dystopian side. And you had to have been backing the most utopian idea. imagine the American imperialists as the dystopians, and the simple people of afghanistan as the utopians. you have to reverse every bit of thinking, and begin imagining only utopian thoughts. It'll enter you into a battle where the fight between good and evil is being decided. but the only thing you need to do is fight the dystopia that is coming, and imagine a two-sided utopia society, good and evil living in the perfect balance of harmony. that's what God intended, some of us have tilted the weight, out of balance, and now we must put it back into balance. IMagine your brain as a set of thin strands of piano wire that are so completely entangled down the middle halves that if you were to untangle it completely, you would have made all the proper connections in your head to use the complete percentage necessary to use all of your brain? both sides and all. imagine it. MAy the force be with you.

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